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Epilogue T.T (EDITED)

~2 years later~

3rd Person

"Holy shit, holy shit" Molly and Niall stated at the same time not know as for them being in different rooms.

The lovely couple being separated on the morning of their wedding day.

Molly having her hair left down in waves with a silver band and make up done to perfection, her wedding dress a lacey floor length sweetheart neckline and backless, her nails white with cute little black and grey dots in the corner.  Her dress covering her black with grey flats that don't match but she refused to wear heels and these were her favorite.  A silver necklace hangs at her chest, and her orange and red hydrangea rose bouquet sitting on the table with all of her bridesmaids identical bouquets hers just being a little bigger.

Puja adorn in a floor length sleeveless maxi dress, while Sage, Perrie, and Eleanor wear floor length sweetheart dresses. All girls having their hair in the same way with the front of their hair pulled back with a clip.

Jimmy and Andrew wear simple grey suits with messy but neat hair, with a matching red hydrangea rose pinned to their suits.

Niall having his hair pushed up in a messy quiff, with his simple black suit, tie, and 1 orange hydrangea rose pinned to his suit like all of the men.

Harry wearing a matching suit but with a bowtie, his messy curls, and orange flower.

Liam and Zayn in the same suit as the rest with ties on, Zayn's hair up in a perfect quiff, Liam's messy short hair still growing back from the buzz cut, and their orange flowers.

Louis, now Louis is a different story, him wanting to be difficult showed up with a striped shirt underneath his suit jacket, it being too late for him to change was left with it, his messy quiff done, and orange flower.

(A.N. all of the wedding outfits are on my poylvore/ external link)

A knock sounded from the door to the room Molly was in and in walked her mother and father.

"Oh sweetie you look beautiful" Her mother told her.

"Thanks mum" Molly replied, hugging her mother.

The 1D boys make their way out to the alter where they line up Niall first then Liam behind him as his best man, then Zayn, Louis, and Harry.

"Come on honey it's time" Molly's father tells her.

They walk out of the room Jimmy and Andrew first, then Sage, Eleanor, Perrie, Puja, and lastly Molly and her father.

They make their way to the door way of the ceremony room and they finally open with the traditional "Here Comes The Bride" playing and everyone standing looking towards them.

Slowly every bridesmaid makes their way down the aisle until its Molly's turn and she comes into view.

The moment he could see her Niall never broke eye contact and started to tear up thinking about how lucky he was.

Finally they made their way up to Niall and her dad handed her off to Niall, who took both of her hands tightly in his like if he let go she would disappear and he would wake up from a dream.

The priest went on and on til it was time for the vows, Niall took a deep breath and started his,

"Molly, I have known you since we were in diapers and could barely speak correctly and we were inseparable even then and we still are. When I was 14 and you were just about to turn 14 I realized how much I needed you and couldn't live without you, we were sitting under our tree in the park it was like 7 or 8 at night and we were looking at the stars. You turned to me and said "I don't think I've ever seen anything prettier" and in my mind I said "I have and it's you" but I couldn't say it too you, I was too afraid, but it was then when you were looking up into my eyes with your bright green, brown eyes, smiling the biggest smile, and leaning into my side that I knew for sure I liked you. But it wasn't until we sat in that hospital waiting room waiting on news from Toby where you were curled up on my lap, hair messy, eyes red and puffy, with tears running down your face did I realize that I loved you because even then I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen, and I knew I couldn't deny it anymore so when I kissed you later on it was the best thing in the world. I hope I can have more of these memories with you because I love you so much and even though I messed up once I am not going to another time. I love you Molly." Niall finished sliding the ring on Molly's finger.

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