Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Puja's P.O.V

I'm so stupid

I hope she's okay

Oh come on NIall pick up your damn phone

"Yellow Niall" FINALLY!!



"Yes! Are you finished with rehearsals yet!?"

"Um no we are on break why"

"Shit, um you need to leave"


"Molly is-"



"How come the only time you call me it's to tell me to come to the hospital" he chuckles

"I don't know, but hurry during kickboxing we were messing aeound and Ian called Molly's name and I didn't hear him and went to kick and I didn't realize till it was too late and kicked her and she couldn't remember Simon and she passed out and I'm scared"

"Liam and I will be there in 10 minutes just breathe"

"Okay, bye Niall" I hung up and started freaking out even more

Niall's P.O.V

"Hey have you seen Molly or Puja" I kept asking people over and over always getting no

I walked on the stage and grabed a microphone and yelled into it

"DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE MOLLY OR PUJA ARE" everystopped and looked at me


"They're at their kickboxing lesson" Andrew answered

"Thank you" I said and set the mic back on the stand

"So do you kno-" I was cut off by my phone ringing 

"Throw me up against the wall first.

I take advantage of you

You take advantage of me.

Drink up this bottle again,

And paint your bo-" I blush and answer my phone

I guess Molly changed my ringtone AGAIN

"Yellow Niall" I answered

"NIALL" a frantic Puja answered


"Yes! Are you finished with rehearsals yet!?"

"Um no we are on break why"

"Shit, um you need to leave"


"Molly is-"



"How come the only time you call me it's to tell me to come to the hospital" I chuckle and jump off the stage looking for Liam

"I don't know, but hurry during kickboxing we were messing aeound and Ian called Molly's name and I didn't hear him and went to kick and I didn't realize till it was too late and kicked her and she couldn't remember Simon and she passed out and I'm scared"

"Liam and I will be there in 10 minutes just breathe" Liam gave me a confused look

"Okay, bye Niall" and with that she hung up

"What now" Liam asked

"I need you to come to Amager Hospital with me" I told him

"Ok, but why" he asked

"Puja kicked Molly in the side of the head and she's freaking out and I have to stay with Molly and I need you to calm Puja down" I explained

Liam nodded and blushed

Ohhhhhh I think someone has a crush on Puja

"Daww dos Little Liam have a crush on a certain someone's mananger" I coo

"What no psh what are you talking about maybe ok yes" Liam blushed

"Haha come on let's go" we walked out into the car and drove to the hospital and directed to Molly's room

I was about to knock on the door when it flew open and Puja launched herself at me

"I didn't mean to and she still hasn't woken up and I'm scared and I don't know what to do" Puja sobbed

"Puja, I know you didn't mean to and so does she. Everything will be fine. I'm going to check on her" I said unwrapping her arms and handing her off to Liam who blushed when she clung to him.

ha I knew it

I walked over to Molly's bed to see a nurse doing things...

She was roughly 5"7' with shoulder length that was brown on the underneath and the top was bleached. She was fairly skinny and looked to be around my age.  She turned around when I tripped over the hospital bed and I noticed she had icy blue eyes.

I dragged a chair over next to Molly and held her hand

"Is she going to be okay" I asked the nurse

"Yes, she should wake up soon, Niall" I brushed off her knowing my name thinking she was a fan.

I let out a sigh and kissed Molly's hand

"Thank you" I smiled at the nurse

I looked at her for a minute

"You look really familiar..." I told her

"Well I should" she giggled

"Wait what's your name"


"Morgan, Morgan, Mor- HOLY SHIT MORGAN"


Aye y'all

I know you hate meeee 

especially with this cliffhanger....

hehe sorry

but you guys make me mad

You vote on my last update but you dont give me your imput on what to do :(

I might still love you

but the song on the side is Niall's ringtone called Put Your Graffiti On Me by Kat Graham

I love you all







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