Chapter 6: L.A., Panic Attacks, and Memories

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I'M SORRY YET AGAIN FOR THE LATE UPDATE been busy Saturday was a Show Choir and Sleepover and then Sunday was sleepover and Volleyball that was supposed to be from 4-6 then stupid basketball (no offence to any basketball players its just that I suck at basketball) was still there so practice ended up being 5-7 and I still had to write chapter 7

WELLLL anyways here's chapter 6 and it's a little longer at least i hope 

OH I'm sorry about last chapter it came out alot shorter than expected


Chapter 6: L.A., Panic Attacks, and Memories

Molly’s P.O.V

“Hey, hey hey Molly…. Hey, hey hey Molly” someone was talking to me as I am trying to sleep? OH NO

So I just moaned and slapped them across the face.

“O GOD MOLLY WHEN DID YOU LEARN TO SLAP LIKE THAT ah Jesus” someone I know identified as Ally screamed.

“Lesson 1 Allyson NEVER and I repeat NEVER wake Molly” Puja explained with her eyes closed knowing exactly what was going on.

“Then how was she supposed to get off the plane?” Ally asked.

“Oh Robert usually carries her to the car” Puja said.

“oh” was all Allyson said.

I then got my phone out and texted Puja

‘How much longer??  :Dm’

‘About 10 minutes :)P’

Looks like I’m not going back to sleep FROWNY FACE :(

“So when we get there we are heading to the hotel and then to a rehearsal with the boys” Puja said.

I turned and looked at her wide eyed and started shaking my head.

No. no. no. no. no I totally didn’t expect it to happen this fast.

“Molly we have too I will do whatever I can to keep them away when you aren’t practicing” Puja whispered in my ear trying to calm me down and it works a little.

Then we finally landed

“Hey I came to get… oh wow you’re up OK” Robert said surprised and awkwardly

I just smiled.

“Thanks anyway but why don’t you walk with us since you are already here?” Puja being herself offered.

“Sure” he replied.

“Well let’s get out of here” Ally said walking away.


We are heading to rehearsal and I am freaking out so bad I am shaking (AKA I'M HAVING A PANIC ATTACK)

“Hey M- Oh gosh Molly calm down… here” Puja says panicked handing me my IPod THANK THE LORD SHE’S HERE.

Puja’s P.O.V

“Hey M- Oh gosh Molly calm down… here” I said panicking handing her, her IPod because that is like the only thing that will calm her down when she is having a panic attack (like she is currently) 

We can’t bring her to rehearsal like this

“Hey Jared is there a park nearby?” I ask our driver quickly

“Yea just up there why” he asked

“Just go there now” I reply panicked.

“Ok Molly we are going to stop at a park” I tell her calmly even though I am freaking out.

She just nods her head

Now I have to call Paul, the boy’s tour manager.

                                                       ~~Phone Call w/Paul~~

Hello, Paul

Yes, what do you need Puja

Oh well I needed to tell you we are going to be late to rehearsal

WHAT why this is super important

I know I know it’s just that Molly is having a panic attack because well I’m sure Simon told you about her and Niall and we have to stop at a park so she can calm down.

Ok and yes Simon told me about it.  That’s fine just PLEASE call me when you guys are heading back to rehearsal

Yes of course


No problem

Bye Puja

Bye Paul

                                             ~~End of Phone Call w/Paul~~

“Okay Molly we are here, come on” I said guiding her out of the car

“Just take deep breaths” I tell her bringing her to the swings (they always calm her down wonder why?)

Molly’s P.O.V

Puja took me to the swing they always calm me down






That’s when I broke down I ran out my bedroom door and past my parents who stopped fighting just to look at me and I paused right in front of the front door and turned to look at my ‘dad’

“I HATE YOU” and then ran

About after 30 minutes I found myself at a park. I walked over to the swing and just there crying.

“Hey are you alright” I looked up and saw these BRIGHT blue eyes

“Yea I’m fine” I said trying to stand up key word there TRYING and ended up falling on top of the blue eyed, blonde haired boy and into the mulch.

“O gosh I’m so so so so so sorry” I mumble getting up off of him.

“Its fine” he said getting up also

“No its not I am so clumsy” I apologize

“Really, I’m Niall” he said sticking his hand out 

“Hi, I’m Molly” I say giving him a high five instead of shaking his hand.

“ummm ok” he said confused while I am laughing my butt off.

Then I remembered why I was here and should get back

“Thanks for cheering me up but I have to go” I said turning around

“WAIT… um… would you hang out just for a while longer” Niall asked nervously 

“Sure” I replied sitting on a swing with Niall on the one next me

                                                   ~~End of Flashback~~

So believe it or not the reason swings calm me down is because that’s where I met Niall.

A.N teehee surprise surprise surprise

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