Chapter 39

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Chapter 39(EDITED)


Molly's P.O.V.

167 shows

 14 months

 65 crew members

 8 band members

 6 performers

 5 relationships

 3 buses

 Multiple hotels

 4 breaks

 Millions of fans

 Thousands of memories

 Tonight’s the night it all ends

 Tonight is the night everything dies down

 Tonight is the last night of tour

 And even though I'm glad to be finally done with the constant change of places everyday/every other day

 I'm going to miss the thrill of preforming every night

 I'm going to miss spending time with everyone on my crew and the 1D crew

 I'm going to miss meeting my fans

 But most of all, I’m going to miss pranking the boys on stage!

 Which I am in the middle of right now

 Everyone but Niall knows what’s going on, even everyone in the crowd knows!!!

 "So, how’s everyone day been" I ask while I was sitting down in the middle of the stage

 I get a lot of "Goods" and "Fantastic now that I'm here" aww I love my fans

 "So I have a story for you guys!" Some laughed since I am in the middle of a concert telling a story, I got up and started pacing.

 "So the other day, there I am all hot and sweaty, cuz I had just finished playing volleyball, laying there on the floor when suddenl-" I was cut off by a huge bang.

 The lights went out and I screamed along with everyone else.

 I felt a hand grab my wrist and I screamed again.

 "MOLLY" I heard an Irish voice yell as I am dragged off of the stage.

 The lights come on as I'm dragged into a room.

 "Good job Louis" I said turning around smiling at him.

 "Thank you mah lady!" He smirked.

 "Now I just wait a few minutes…" 

 "Ohhh you want to take this to the next level" he said.

 "Oooh what do you have in mind?"

 "Well, I can tie you to a chair and make it look like we are trying something." 

 "Oh, give me your phone!" I exclaimed.

 He handed me his phone and I scrolled through the contacts till I found Liam's name and hit call.

 "Hello" he answered

 "Liam it’s me, Molly, I want you to go out and find a guy in the crowd and bring him back here to Louis' dressing room" I told him rushed

 "Okay, hold on" he told me

 "Hurry up"

 "Okay, do dodododododo AH FOUND ONE, hey, would you like to help with something?" 

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