IM BACK and Chapter 9: Confessions

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IM BACK LOVES, my dad finally updated my Norton.


The reason is that today I went to my Granny's house and me and my brother always sit at the top of the stairs and slide down... well I wore shorts today and kind of blank when I went to slide down the stairs and now I have carpet burn on the back of my legs up by my bum....


WELL ANYWAYS, I hope you guys like this chapter.... Honestly I dont remeber what happens except that there is ALOT of drama. Same as the next 2 chapters have ALOT of drama.


NOW if the link worked I have a song that will come up in a future chapter not to future but I am like ADDICTED to this song... its called Remeber When by Chris Wallace....

SO if the link doesnt work you have the info on the song I HIGHLY advise you to listen to it.

Well anyways hope you enjoy Loves,



Chapter 9: Confesions

Molly’s P.O.V

Puja has been acting really weird lately and just told me we are going shopping tomorrow… We don’t go shopping very often… hmmmm I wonder what’s up, well the sky of course but still what’s going on…

Puja’s P.O.V

“Ok so I just told Molly we’re going shopping tomorrow… but I think she knows something is up because we don’t go shopping very often but still, make sure to be at Dairy Queen by 2. It’s Molly’s favorite place (AN it’s true I LOVE Dairy Queen) so I know we will end up going there and you remember the plan right.” I rush out to Liam and Niall before Molly gets back from the Loo.

“Yea I think we got it all,” Liam said as poor Niall just nods.

“OK LETS DO THIS” I scream as the run from me and I don’t know wh-

“Let’s do what and who are you talking to” Molly asks me from behind me


“Oh nothing” I smiled at her and she gave me a questioning look

“Come; Come now we have a radio interview where you will be performing your new song!” I sang dragging her towards the tour bus.

“Ok, Ok I didn’t know you were this excited for the interview.” She chuckled catching up to me.

Molly’s P.O.V

“Ok, Ok I didn’t know you were this excited for the interview.” I chuckled.

“Because I most defiantly am not because I don’t want to talk and he will hear” I mumbled softly to myself but not soft enough because Puja suddenly stop and looked at me.

“Molly, don’t you dare start this you need to start talking to people. I mean you have poor Allyson worried half to death because you won’t talk to her.  And don’t worry about Niall they have their own interview at the same time at a different radio station and then we get to go back on the bus and watch some movies and then tomorrow we are going shopping and afterwards we can go to Dairy Queen and get blizzards or a slushy or anything… Ok” She ranted on

I just smile and give her a hug 

“Thank you Puja” I mumble

“For what” She asks hugging me back

“For everything… For being there when I needed you, for giving me advice for life and relationships, and most of all for being the greatest friend anyone could ask for.  I know you may have some problems in your life and if you ever want to talk about them I am here for you just like you are for me. You know my biggest secrets and I know you would never tell anyone unless I said it was alright and that’s what I love about you and that’s why you’re my best friend.” I told her with tears rolling down my face and as I finally let it all out.

(AN all of this is true and I wish I would have told you in person Puja first before I wrote this)

“And even though I’m broken I know you can help and your one of the only people that I let in and you were one of the first people to break down my walls and get the old me back and I hope you never leave because I know I would go back into that shell again and I don’t know what I would do without you by my side through everything that happens.  And I know you’re the only one who can help me through this tour because it’s true that I still Love Niall ” I finally finish and finally admitting to myself that I am in fact broken and I need her and that I do still love Niall.

(AN well it all true except the still loving that one person ;) hehehe)

“Well Molly you can count on me never leaving your side and helping you through all the rough patches in your life” she replied hugging me tighter and then I just realized that she was also crying.

“Well come one let’s go we don’t want to be late to your radio interview” she said not daring to let me go as if afraid that if she lets go of me I will disappear forever.  So we kind of shuffle out of the building and to the bus.

Niall’s P.O.V

“And even though I’m broken I know you can help and your one of the only people that I let in and you were one of the first people to break down my walls and get the old me back and I hope you never leave because I know I would go back into that shell again and I don’t know what I would do without you by my side through everything that happens.  And I know you’re the only one who can help me through this tour because it’s true that I still Love Niall” I have tears running down my face by the time she finishes and even though I didn’t hear all of it the last 8 words mean the world to me.

Because it’s true that I still Love Niall

Those words keep echoing through my head has I sit against the wall crying.

“Mate, are you ok” I look up and see Liam looking down at me.

“She still loves me” I mumble through my tears.

“What was that Niall” he asked helping me up and pulling me into a hug.

“She still loves me. I heard her say it herself not even 5 minutes ago” I tell him happily

“Well that’s great Nialler, so why are you crying” He asked breaking the hug.

“Because she’s also so broken she even said it and she sounded so broken and IT’S ALL MY FAULT” I scream the last part falling to my knees

“Niall stand up and look at me” He demanded and I slowly did. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye and the only thing I could see in his brown eyes was sincerity and seriousness.

“Niall that may be the story but just remember that you have two other people trying to help you get her back with you.  Puja is there for her and I am here for you. Just keep this in mind next time you think about this… Ok Niall, We have this under control.” He said not breaking eye contact and when he finally did he mumbled something under his breath which sounded a lot like “hopefully”

“Ok” I said giving him a hug

“Good, now let’s go we have a radio interview to go to” He said pulling me to the bus.

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