Chapter 4: Tears, Tour, and Agreements

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THANK YOU ALL for all the reads and votes it means a lot too me.

Here's chapter 4 hope you like it.


Chapter 4: Tears, Tour, and Agreements

Simon’s P.O.V. (AW SNAP NEW ONE)

Ummmmm ok I am confused Molly ran out as soon as the boys walked in and Niall said her name?? How do they know each other? 

“UGHHH” Crud monkeys that scared me

“Niall are you ok” I questioned

“NO I’M NOT” He snapped 

“NIALL” Liam smacked him.

“Sorry Uncle Simon for snapping”

“It’s alright” he smiled. “One Question”

“W-what” he stuttered like he knew what I was about to ask and didn’t like it

“How do you know Molly??”

Niall’s P.O.V. 

And there is the question I was hoping he wouldn’t ask. I looked at Liam silently asking for help before bursting into tears and falling to my knees.

“Shhh it will be alright Ni” Liam whispered as he hugged me.

“No it’s not she hates me” I sobbed into his shoulder

“Ni she doesn’t-“


“Niall calm down take deep breaths it will be fine” Liam always knowing what to do. I did that and it work.

“NOW WE GO TO NARNIA AKA UNCLE SIMONS OFFICE” we all turned to look at the door and then in burst Molly and I’m guessing her manager laughing like crazy.

“Simon can we talk to you in the hall for a minute please” her manager asked.

“Sure Puja” as said walking towards them. Puja that’s her manager’s name and a cool name.

I wonder what they are talking about??

I just realized we still don’t know what this meeting is about!!

Molly’s P.O.V.

“So what’s up ladies” Simon said.

“Well you know how this meeting was about Molly going on tour with someone” Puja started

“Yes I planned for her and One Direction to go on tour together. Why is there something wrong and what was the whole thing with Niall, Molly?” He said to Puja and the last part to me.

Oh gosh here we go.

~~One Explanation and many, many tears Later~~ 

“Oh my Molly I’m sorry we can cancel this if you want” Simon exclaimed.

“No but we have an idea to make this run a little smoother” Puja explained.

“Oh really what exactly is this ‘idea’ of yours” Simon said smirking

“Well if I could bring my best friend Allyson then I would be with her some of the times or have her with me so nothing bad happens around Niall” I said shyly.

“Mhm” Simon mumbled

“So what do you say” I questioned


“WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS” I screamed with tears running down my face.

“Molly I was kidding of course you can bring your friend Allyson” He explains hugging me

“Oh ok” I blushed

“Let’s go and tell the lads what this meeting was about they are probably trying to figure out something bad they did that they are in trouble for” Simon chuckled

I was seated next to Puja on the other side of the office from Niall but I could feel him staring at me THE WHOLE TIME.

“So we aren’t in trouble we are going on tour with Molly. That makes more sense.” Liam mumbled to himself.

“Yep you leave for L.A. in a week” Simon explained.

“WOOHOO L.A.” Louis screamed

“LOUIS STOP SCREAMING” Simon yelled over him

“Sorry” Louis whispered

“Ok you all are dismissed” Simon waved. 

That’s my cue I grabbed Puja’s arm and ran.

“Molly! Molly wait a second!” Niall’s distant voice screamed. 

Crap Crap Crap

I just ran faster but of course me being me tripped and fell (not on my broken wrist)

“Molly just talk to me” Niall said helping me off the ground

“I sorry I can’t” I say running off with Puja trailing closely behind.

I have been running a lot

Running away from people

Away from One Direction

Away from my problems and most of all…

Away from Niall.

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