Chapter 20: Phone Calls, Guard's Back, and True Feelings

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Chapter 20: Phone Calls, Guard’s Backs, and True Feelings


Puja’s P.O.V

“Hey guys I will be back I have to call Paul and ... Simon because we have to postpone the tour” I told Molly and Niall

“Oh man you have to talk to Simon about this” Niall said

“Yeah and I’m not looking forward to it. I would be fine if it was just Paul but NOO I have to talk to Simon because we have to reschedule and then send out information about it and then we have to make sure everyone how bought tickets get new tickets to the same show put the postponed one and IT SO STRESSFUL” I tell them

“I know what will make it better” Molly said 

“And what is that”

“A FAMOUS MOLLY HUG” She yelled running at me and tackling me to the ground in a hug and we both start laughing

“Thanks Molly” I tell her getting up

“Good luck” Niall said laughing

“Thanks” and I walk out of the room and call Simon.


S: Simon Cowell

P: Hi Simon its Puja

S: Puja what do you need

P: Well you are in L.A. right

S: Yes that is correct

P: Well in that case, is it possible for Paul and I to stop by TODAY I need to discuss something with you both of you

S: Well I suppose so, come down now I should be free

P: Thank you Simon I will see you soon

S: Bye


YAY now to call Paul

~PHONE CALL~ (the H stands for Paul since his last name is Higgins and Puja and Paul both start with P)

H: Hello

P: Hi Paul, its Puja

H: Oh what do you need Puja and do you know where Niall and Louis are

P: Well I needed to tell you that we are needed at Simons office right away, I need to discuss something with you guys and Niall is with me and Louis just left

H: Oh ok, thanks I guess I will see you in a few

P: Yep, bye Paul

H: bye Puja


“Ok guys I have to go to Simon’s office and I don't know how long that will take, so I will be back as soon as I can” I tell Niall and Molly and go over and hug them and then leave


I walk into the building and towards the elevator and a guard stopped me

“Um miss where do you think you are going”

“I have a meeting with Mr. Cowell”

“Really” he said looking at my jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, and converse

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