Chapter 7: Set Lists, Looking, and Creepers

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YAY Finally managed to update on the correct day!!

FYI this one is pretty long because of lyrics

Well enjoy Chapter 7


Chapter 7: Set Lists, Looking, and Creepers

Molly’s P.O.V

“Hey Molly, I am going to go call Paul and then we can leave” Puja told me walking away


I think I’m ready to go to rehearsals with them

“Come on Molly we have already missed 2 hours” Puja said pushing me towards the car

WOW we were here for 2 hours… man

~At Rehearsals~

“HEY JIMMY WHAT’S THE SET LIST” I screamed at Jimmy (my stage manager AND best guy friend)

“LOOK TO YOUR LEFT IDIOT” Jimmy screamed back

Oh look there’s the set list.

“THANKS LOSER” I screamed at him.

Wow I guess Jimmy can get me to talk… but that’s it

This is what the set list was:

We Cry – The Script

Not Fair 

Change Your Life 

For the Love of a Daughter


Turn Your Face 


Back to the Start 

Never Gonna Happen 

Lovesick Fool – The Cab

Save My Heart – Jason Reeves

YES THESE ARE MY FAVORITE I love mixing a few covers in with my songs


Guess I’m going first

(A.N I am going to put the beginning of each song go listen to ALL of them they are GREAT)

We Cry-

Together we cry

Together we cry

Jenny was a poor girl, living in a rich world

Named her baby hope when she was just 14

She was hoping for a better world for this little girl

But the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

When she gets that call, Hopes too far gone

Her baby's on the way, with nothing left inside

Together We Cry

Not Fair –

Oh he treats me with respect

He says he loves me all the time

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