The Hardest Part of The Job prt 2

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Hey everyone here's the next part of this mini story, again not a happy ending, but we're getting there I promise, anyways I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖.

Georgie sighs again as she hugs the younger girl and boy. After a few minutes of letting them hug her she led them over to the couch sitting on it herself as she was getting tired of holding the both of them up. Once she sat down she noticed something in Pumpkin's mouth. "Pumpkin, what's in your mouth?" Georgie questions as Pumpkin instantly came over as Georgie grabbed a plastic bag off the table and took the fabric from Pumpkin's mouth, making sure not to tamper with evidence. Hopefully Drea and the police will be there soon. "Is that a part of Angelina's jacket she asks, as Pumpkin nods proudly. Georgie gave Pumpkin a warm smile glad some of Michaela's training stuck with her, "Good girl Diva Dog, Good girl." Georgie whispers. She felt so helpless right now she was never a good comforter.

 Again that was her dog's job not her, and nothing could have prepared her for today. She sighs as the two teens just sit there heads on her shoulders. She had no idea what to do right now. She really didn't think that these two teens should have seen that, or still be there, but they needed to stay and wait for the police, or someone else in the Stone family to arrive. But even if someone came back home she probably still wouldn't be able to take the two teens anywhere, especially if she had to try to talk Ben out of potentially killing someone. That's when she heard a knock on the door. Before she could even say "Come in" though it was kicked open

 "Well at least Michaela's here now." Georgie thought to herself as Michalea came in. "Cal, are you alright? We had a call…" Michaela quickly says before stopping in her tracks at seeing an older teenager, and both teenagers are still crying on Georgie. "What happened?" Michaela and her husband Zeke say in unison. Georgie sighs, as she explained what she knew about the matter, Michaela was scribbling it down on her notepad even though she wasn't a police officer she wanted to make sure Drea had everything she needed. 

Because like Georgie Michaela had work to do. "And you're sure it was Angelina making Georgie and the two teens groan, "I'm sure it's Angelina! We literally saw her." Georgie says as she was tired of getting asked if she was sure it was Angelina. "Mick, I'm telling you she doesn't have good intentions." Zeke says as he could tell that the tension was rising due to his empathetic powers. Georgie just nods her head to Zeke in thanks, "Yeah, and her mental health is all the way down the drain once Pete died." 

Georgie told Michaela as the police finally got there, and instantly went to the master room where they found Grace of course dead, and started questioning them. All of them answered the questions the best of their abilities for not exactly being there to see it, and once the police seem satisfied they leave, taking the body with them, but Georgie knew that was not going to be the end of her Ben had yet to come home, and she knew he would kill someone once he heard, and even though Michaela and Zeke were still there the teens begged her to stay so she did. That, and it was going to take Michaela, Zeke, Saanvi, and herself to keep Ben from doing something that he would regret later.

"I am not looking forward to when Ben comes home." Michalea says sadly as the teens just continue to lie their heads on Georgie's shoulder starting to fall asleep. "Me neither, but he has to know, I mean she was his wife. But I admit I'm not looking forward to him yelling." Georgie says as Michaela and Zeke nod. Finally the door opened for the last time, and Ben and Saanvi came in. The three adults look at one another as Michaela sighs, getting up, "I'll tell him, he is my brother." Georgie, will you stay with them?" Michaela asks as Georgie nods looking at the teens who were still on her shoulder. "I don't think I have much of a choice, I don't want to move them." Georgie says letting a sad smile graced her lips. She felt so bad for everyone in this family. Even though she didn't know exactly what she was doing she was just glad she seemed to be of some comfort. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by yelling and the two teens jolting awake. "Dad's home." Olive asks her question even though it came out more as a statement, "He must be, and I have a feeling all heck is going to break loose in a minute." Cal says as they all know their father very well. That's when Ben came into the room looking as angry as a rhino, and Georgie could tell even though he was saddened that he was only seeing red. Which wasn't good. Ben was a lot like her, and calm in many ways, so when he got this mad it was bad. And Georgie was almost ready to hear the yelling fit he would most likely throw at her. This wasn't her first rodeo after all, and she knew that Ben would probably yell at her, calm down and everything would go fine, but she was so, so wrong.

Georgie slowly stands up looking at Ben, "I'm so sorry for your loss she says sympathy in her voice, "You should be you could have stopped this, but you let her die." Georgie just sighs, easily deciding to just let him continue as if she said anything it could make things a lot worse. She could tell Olive wanted to butt in but she just put her hand up so they knew she didn't want them to say anything, not yet any ways. Georgie just continued to listen to him yell, sometimes tuning him out. Finally he seemed to calm down a bit and Georgie thought that was it, but she was wrong again. "You know I wish you could be more helpful. Whenever you try to help, you always end up making it worse!" Ben yells out as Georgie recoils a bit, as that is what her father told her right before she headed off to the Cinderella play and when she went off to New York. And even though it's been a few years it still made her feel bad.

 Georgie sighs looking at her pups with what the pups knew as "Let's go now." Both dogs just nod, "I'm just going to go, and let you calm down… You guys know where we'll be if you need us. Georgie says quickly turning towards the door, the dogs did not hesitate and quickly followed as they felt Georgie's unease. "I don't want to see you in my house again." Ben shouted to her as Georgie sighs, closing the door. She knew Ben didn't mean any of that, but it was still going to bug her. Why did she volunteer for such a hard job? She should have just stuck with what she was comfortable with, and a job that didn't have the potential danger. Georgie was definitely reconsidering staying here. She could do so much in other places as well.

 Georgie shook her head. She would have to think about this when she was in a better mind set. Right now she has a headache and is stressed and tired. Today has been crazy. When she opened the door of her home she heard a noise making both dogs immediately growl and Georgie grabbing an umbrella, "Who's there!!" Georgie called out as she was ready to clock whoever it was with an umbrella as she didn't know who was in her house.

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