The Hardest Part Of The Job prt 5

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Hey everyone here's part five of this story I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

An hour later Georgie had finished expning everything that had happened to Lily who looked at her as if she was crazy. "So you're telling me that this flight 828 thing is real, and that these passengers have two more years to live, and that like six people died… and a baby was kidnapped by a crazy girl... slow down, I  think you've finally gone crazy Poppins." Lily says as Georgie shook her head. Why did this have to be so hard to explain to people? She heard the dogs bark their agreement, as they always had a hard time backing Georgie up because people thought she was one of them due to her empathic abilities, as she was very good at reading people and zoned out often. Thankfully she didn't have to deal with that and the government paid her enough for her therapy dogs to live by especially since she took a job nobody else wanted.

"It's true, trust me, I'm in that family I should know. My baby sister is missing my mom and my uncle were both killed in a two week span and now my twin is the same age as me. It's very confusing and scary. I'm glad that your best friend moved here. I think things would have been way worse without her and her dogs being here." Olive rambled out as Georgie smiled at the younger girl feeling the thankfulness radiating off her before hearing a knock at the door, and quickly grabbing her broom, which again wasn't a real weapon, but it would work if she needed it to. 

"Who is it?" Georgie questions as Olive follows her. And the dogs stay close to her side, willing to attack if needed. They were so used to the bad people that they still barely trusted people at the door. Especially since last time they let a stranger and tried to help the person destroy her house. None of them wanted that again.

"It's Michaela and Zeke and Drea, and we need your help. Can we come in." Michalea calls out as Georgie looks at Olive and nods. If it were Ben she might not have opened the door, because he was crazy at the moment, but she trusted Michaela and Zeke. So did her dogs so she opened the door with the broom still in hand. "I see you still have your broom of wrath." Michaela joked as Georgie rolls her eyes,

"Yep, I always have it around. What do you three need? I can feel that you want something." Georgie says as the three other humans who looked at one another. Georgie could again feel that they wanted something, but she could also feel what they wanted to do could be dangerous. Who was she kidding everything the involved the missing flight was dangerous, and she wasn't sure if she was willing to help this time.

"Georgie we need your help with finding Eden. Everyone refused to help us and you have a search and find dog. Do you think Pumpkin could possibly pick up Eden's scent?" Michaela asks as Pumpkin and Georgie look at each other. It had been almost ten hours Georgie knew the smell would still be around, but it would be a lot fainter now. But the white dog was way more confident the owner was, because even if she especially trained for it she had learned how to do it. So the white dog nods. Georgie just sighs she knows Pumpkin is willing to help, she was too, but the reason all her plans she had given didn't work was because she wasn't listened too. The last few times she had been blown off, and the guy feeling she had, had always been right. 

"Pumpkin is pretty confident she can, and I'm willing to help, but I do have a proposition. I know I don't have the callings, but I do know what I'm doing. Especially in this situation I'm going to need you to trust me, and let me and the pups take the lead." Georgie says seriously, as she didn't want anyone getting hurt or killed by Ben. The dogs just nod, giving the other humans a glare. Zeke immediately nods knowing that Georgie had that guy feeling. Since both were empaths they read each other well.

"Of course we trust you, plus we don't want anyone hurt. So will you help?" Drea asks as Georgie nods looking at the dogs who quickly scatter to grab their stuff. Georgie than sighs she had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she had a feeling that Angelina just needed to have a talking to with someone who truly understood her. Angelina, she admits was a psycho, but her parents were horrible to her and locked her away.  So anyone would have trauma from that, and then her boyfriend died in a horrific way. It didn't make anything she did right, but Angelina always called Eden her Guardian Angel. Georgie's dogs were the same to her, and she would have done anything for her dogs, in fact she did everything to keep Pumpkin Mira, Brook and Rascal safe from her parents.  So she got some of  Angelina's thoughts.

Alright then Brook and Rascal you two stay here with Lily and protect the house. Mira, Pumpkin you're with me. Come on Olive I'm going to need your help too."  Georgie says as she puts her backpack on before grabbing the piece of fabric from Angelina's pants leg Pumpkin had grabbed, lending it to the two dogs. When she thought the dogs got a good sniff she looked at them, "Pumpkin, Mira, find Eden and Angelina." Georgie commanded heading to the car, that Michaela wanted to use, and squished in with Drea and Olive. She was ready to find Angelina and save Eden, even though she had a bad feeling on how Ben would react to it, but quickly snapped out of her thoughts she couldn't think about that right now. She knew baby Eden the one she promised Grace she would protect if anything happened to Grace which had, and she hadn't even had much time to process yet, but would when everyone was out of constant danger. 

She had made Grace a promise she had to keep it.

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