More To The Pinghalo Part 2

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After Drea gets a new book from her sister  in Japan she learns something  new and amazing  about  the gems they wear but can it actually  work?

Big shout out to my co writer maudie99o who wrote a lot of this.

Wait so you're  saying that we can actually bring people back to life? Drea I think you hit your head too hard." Georgie  says in disbelief, but Michaela believesUI xz Drea.

"I actually  believe Drea on this one. I mean the stones were the things that saved the 828ers and  Zeke, and brought  us back to life. Which means we possibly could." Michaela says but Georgie  was still skeptical.

"Drea, are you sure this is a reliable source?" Georgie  asks as Drea nods. 

"I'm sure the calling confirmed  it. Speaking  of calling, I had one that says we're  supposed to save Grace." This causes her two friends to tense up looking  at the eldest of the three in shocked confusion,  and for a few moments  Drea could only hear the wind rustling the grass  outside. 

"Wait what…" Georgie  and Michaela  said in confused unison.

"I know it sounds crazy, but that is what my calling said. The curse isn't  over not yet, not until we save the one that is dead. Apparently we are supposed to raise her from the dead."  Drea told them and the room went into silence again.

That is until all three of their necklaces glow and they are all transported back in time showing  the day of Grace's  death all over again. The three look down not wanting  to see the struggle Grace put up for Eden.

"Calling  why did you  bring us back here?" Georgie  asks as she keeps her eyes on the wooden floor. The calling  just said the exact qsame thing it said to her the night before. 

"The curse isn't  over not yet, not until we save the one that is dead."that's when it flashed to the future. The three watch curiously  as their three  stone colors bonded together and then were blinded by the three lights. That's where the calling  ends.

"Okay Drea you aren't  crazy, but how are we even able to do it? Like what do we do?" Georgie  asks and Drea instantly  turns to the book. 

"Let's see shall we" Drea says pointing  to the book as the two look at Drea  curiously. And Drea rolls her eyes. "I'm half Japanese, remember.  My first language was Japanese. You may not be able to understand  the words, but I understand  it perfectly." Drea says flipping  through  the book until she found the chapter she was looking  for and scanning  the pages. "Alright, it says that if we want to bring people back we have to go to the place where they died. Which was in the Stone's  master bedroom. We have to link hand and say at the same time.

She lives on in us, so she shall live again. If we have enough  faith and our bond is strong enough  to her, and to each other it should work." Drea reads aloud in English as they look at one another.

"We better not let the rest of the fam know until we're  sure this works. Cal's living on campus, and TJ and Olive have their own house. I heard that Eden and Ben are going  to the movies tonight. So let's do it then so no one will ask questions. " Michaela says and the two others nod in agreement.

"Good idea. For now let's train though since that was originally  what we were gonna do." Georgie  says heading  out to the back lawn.


Hours later all three head across the street to the Stone's  house when Drea had heard the car leave. All three had quite a few questions  and didn't  fully believe  that this was going  to work, but it was worth a try. Grace meant a lot to all of them one way or another,  and Eden deserved  to meet her mother, and Ben  to be happy again. They needed this to work. Getting ghost messages from her was not enough. 

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