Protecting A Friend

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Hey guys this was a random idea  I had and had to do this goes in between The Hardest  Part of The Job and Finding  The Truth I really hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment

When Michaela shows up at Drea's doorstep asking  for help and advice Drea decides to give it. And  she has a talking  to with Jared

Michaela groans, hitting her head against  the pillow in Drea's room. Nala just watches hesitantly from her crate which Drea kept her in when training at her apartment. Um Drea is not exactly here right now, and who the heck are you?' Nala barks out in confusion as she had never met this woman who had walked straight  into her trainer's house.

"What the heck." Mick says as she hadn't noticed the dog in the crate and Drea never mentioned getting a dog, she just looks at Nala in confusion.  "Hi pup, do you happen to know where my partner is? I really need someone  to talk to who isn't  my brother  right now." Michaela says brokenly and the pup immediately  knows this must be Drea's  partner, Michaela.

"She went to a Japanese restaurant and she'll  be back soon. The girl has to eat something she hasn't  eaten all day because  of your case earlier." Nala barks and that's  when Drea came in with a bag of food. 

"Mick what are you doing  here?" Drea asks with confusion, pulling  her food out of the bag. Mick just hugs Drea, and Drea freezes. Something  has to be wrong. 

"I just need to talk to someone I  trust right now." Michaela says  and Drea nods, looking  at her small studio  apartment.  Before climbing  up  on her bed and patting  the place beside her.

"I'm  all ears." Drea says kindly, pulling her food bag open and grabbing her chicken teriyaki. "Do you want some? I bought extras" Drea offers and Michaela smiles a little.

"Um yeah sure if you don't  mind I'm  starving." Michaela says and Drea just hand one of the boxes to her.  Drea then just looks at Mick with her full attention. "Well Zeke  is emotionally hurt  and Jared is a pest." Michaela says and Drea rolls her eyes.

"When hasn't  Jared been a pest?" She asks simply  and Michaela just squints her eyes at Drea who stops and rolls her eyes, "Don't  act like that! You know it's true." Drea says raising an eyebrow  and Michaela huffs 

"I can't  believe  I used to date him! He is so crazy and he is way too crazy over me. I thought  I  made it clear that I love Zeke. I don't  know what else I can do to keep him away from me and Zeke Michaela says and Drea hides her frustration.

"Leave him to me. He won't  mess with you or Zeke  again if I can possibly  help it." Drea told Michaela a glint of protectiveness in her eyes that told Michaela that her older friend wasn't joking. 

"I'll  take you up on that just don't  hurt him D, but how do I convince  Zeke he is still my one and only. I saw the hurt in his eyes. I didn't  need to be an empath to see that." Michaela says as Drea sighs, now that kind of stuff with feelings she wasn't  good at.

"That's  up to you, just remind  him that you love him and nothing will ever change that, and that Jared won't  mess with or take him to jail again. One time was enough  and we have way too many plates to handle now. I'm  going to  remind you. You deserve to be happy, don't let Jared get to you or Zeke he's  not worth it." Drea says  and Michaela nods as she continues  to eat the food Drea gave her.

"So who's  your new roommate? " Michaela  asks and Drea immediately looks down at the dog crate she kept Nala in during stays.  She then opens the crate  and puts a hand up so Nala won't  attack. 

This is Nala, she is a trainee pup at the academy.  I helped train her after busting her old horrible trainer. She hasn't  been  accepted by anyone yet so we were just continuing training. I have to take her back to the kennels tomorrow." Drea says petting the dog before  Michaela gets a call.

"Wait G calm down what's  going on!" Michaela asks before hearing the rambling  and looks to Drea who looks just  as terrified as her and grabs her gun and starts dialing another number that Michaela could  only guess was Zeke. 

"Don't  worry G we'll  be there as quick as possible D your driving." Michaela says as Drea nods, heading out the door  not asking any questions.


Drea let out a soft groan, putting Angelina  in the jail cell and sitting  on the bench exhausted  and hungry especially since Angelina  had a knife and tried to use it on her. That girl was nuttier than fruit cake.

She had taken Nala back to the training school and was half tempted to tell her boss she was retiring for the day as that case lasted later than usual, and Drea  needed some sleep, but before  she could Jared walks in.

"Detective Mikami " Jared greets with a bit of venom in his voice and Drea just rolls her eyes before looking  up at Jared.

"Lieutenant Vasquez." Drea greets back with just as much venom she didn't  really feel like standing up to him at the moment. "We need to talk, Vasquez." She says and Jared just looks at the usually calm Detective 

"What is it Mikami?" Jared asks and Drea glares at him. Drea was a bit worried, but otherwise was ready to defend her friends. .

"Your obsession  with Mic has gone on long enough,  and before you  say you love her. If you truly did love her then you would let her go and stop ruining  her life." Drea says her voice raising slightly in a threatening  manner.  

"You do not meddle in my love life! I am a rank  higher than you. I could get you fired." Jared threatens Drea just rolls her eyes, she had one advantage  over Jared and she knew it was going  to keep him away if she used it.

"Not if I tell the Captain  about what you and Wesley  were planning and about  you hanging out with the Xer's. Who are literally  attacking  us." Drea says her voice a whisper and Drea looks to her in utter shock

"How did you…" Jared started to stutter and Drea smirked coyly.

"You have to be careful who you talk near. I hear… every… little… thing." Drea's  tuts before  smiling. "Just like I can hear your heart beating faster than it was just a moment  ago." Drea says slyly with a glare, and Jared gulps. "You leave them be and I  won't  tell. If you do I will tell her everything  and give her the recorded evidence." Drea says.

"Are you trying  to blackmail  me." Jared asks in disbelief  and Drea  gave him a look and Jared groans 

"Fine, I  won't  mess with them again Mikami." Jared says and Drea smiles, going  back to her usual self. Good. Now I'm  going  home. We had a case last night and I'm  exhausted. " Drea says grabbing  her bag. She was pretty sure she would be fired soon, but oh well.


As soon as Drea got home she collapsed  in bed exhausted, but before she could even close her eyes to enjoy the peace her phone rang and Drea instantly  knew there was no rest for the weary. 

"Mikami what happened this time...

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