Not Replaceable

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Grace loves her girls day, so when one of her girls start pulling away more she decides to talk to the  eldest  of the ma   three Gem Keepers to see what is up.

"You're late again! " Grace scolds two of the Gem Keepers who roll their eyes   Grace just stands there hands on her hips. She knew her friends and sister in law were always busy with their jobs and baby Abigail.

"Sorry Abigail didn't  want  to take her nap, and Iyy was trying to finish a case report." Georgie apologizes and Grace nods before  realizing  one was missing  from the group.

"Georgie, where's  Drea?" Grace asks and Georgie  just looks at Michaela.

"She really didn't want to go for some reason, and since she was a bit snappy about  it. We let it lie." Michaela days and Grace looks to Georgie  again

"I honestly don't know what's  up with her today. My abilities  can feel others emotions, but Drea is amazing at hiding her feelings. Drea and I tell  each other almost everything, but there are a few things  we still keep from one another. I learned to just kind of let her , be." Georgie  says and Grace sighs this was the third girls day Drea was going  to miss.

"Can you pick up  Eden from school? I'll  meet you at the park afterwards." Grace says ,quietly and Georgie  raises an eyebrow she knew what Grace was going to do. 

"Yeah sure come on Mick let's go." Georgie says and Michaela nods as they head towards their car. Grace on the other hand headed over to the house across the street to the place Drea resided when not working  

Grace walks into the door of a quiet house. She didn't even hear the clattering of the dog's feet. She silently  went to the room where the red door splattered with cherry blossom flowers was. It was definitely Drea's. She knocks on it twice before  entering the room where she saw Nala, Gracie and Drea lying on the bed Drea looking visibly upset.

"Drea, what's  wrong, why haven't  you been coming  to Girl's Days anymore?" Grace questions and Drea  just shakes her head.

"Please Grace,  I just want to be left alone right now." Drea says quietly, petting  Nala gently as Gracie lies on Drea's lap. Wrapped around Drea's neck was a medium sized black lab plush 

Grace just looks at her sympathetically, she and Drea definitely  weren't  as close as the other four girls in the group, but she still knew Drea and she wasn't one  to be alone; she seemed to thrive off of people. Something  had to be wrong. "Are you sure? You've  been withdrawing  a lot lately." Grace says and Drea takes a shuddering  breath.

"Hon, what's wrong?" Grace asks letting  her motherly side show Drea visibly flinching at the name her mother had always  used with a fake sweetness that made Drea want to vomit being the black sheep of the family always meant being downgraded by her mother.

"It's… nothing… I'm  just exhausted  and my ears are killing  me. Speaking  of Nal, can you get me the medicine? It's been six hours." Drea asks the pup who nods, grabbing  the pill bottle for Drea. Who instantly  takes two. 

"Drea, I  know there is more to this. I'm  not going  to push since the other two gen Keepers couldn't  get you to talk, but it may help." Grace says before  she hears  Drea phone start playing  music which Drea seems to recognize, and looks down at her phone with a small grin crossed her face as she types back a reply and sighs.

"I just, I'm  still getting  used to the fact that nothing  is  there to hurt us. Not to mention  I'm  still getting  used to the fact  that I still belong and you still want me around. " Drea admits quietly  pulling herself in closer and farther away from Grace 

"Of course we still want you around Drea. I don't  even know you all that well. Far less than the other and I really wanted to get to know you better. Why would you even think it. Did you have a fight with Georgie or Michaela or did I give you that…" Drea just 0shook her head quickly.

"Oh gosh no! It's  all on my side I  swear. Um… let's just say I was the black sheep of the family. Once I was eighteen I was pretty much on my own unless she needed free child care, and after my sister, Aia died we really separated. I was closed off and became absorbed into my work. I was able to rank up pretty easily, and due to my inability to keep a partner I  was mainly put on undercover ops. I made some good friends while doing  those ops both on the job and in that precinct, but once I got severely injured on a pretty messy op. I had to do desk duty until I thankfully got transferred  and this craziness happened.

 Everyone I ever loved only used me for what I was worth to them. Once I couldn't  do the job or proved that I didn't  want to be part of something  I was transferred  again. I haven't  been able to keep up with anyone I used to work with due to them mostly being undercover agents so I'm honestly used to just being alone and fending  for myself. So it is still strange for me to not be thrown out yet. Even though I know you won't, you're  all too kind." Drea explains slowly a few tears coming down her face.

"Oh D, you'll  always be one of us, you saved Mick's life and you saved my life. And trust me Georgie  would be lost without  you. Now come on, we have a picnic to attend and you're coming." Grace says and Drea huffs.

"Alright fine give me five minutes  to  change" Drea says grabbing some of her nicer clothing and her makeup. Grace just sighs as each part of her family is broken. And she was going  to make sure all of the women knew there worth no matter what.

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