Not Who I Was prt 2

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Hey everyone here's prt 2 of this mini story. Thank whoever originally requested this, and thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Toddler Liv, Maddie, and Mal from your stories along with the quints. It means a lot. I also hoped this turned out Alright since this took four different tries with four different scenarios so I hoped this was okay. I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment💖

"Nala, come on I've got a lead, and I need my protector!" Georgie calls out putting her bag in the car as the bronze and white dog ran up jumping into the back seat. Growling at Tessa and trying to bite her. Georgie just quickly looks at the dog and then at Tessa. "Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce you. Nala, this is my best friend Tessa, I promise she means no harm. Tessa, this is my police pup Nala." Georgie says getting in the car as Nala settles down.

"Why is she, wait police dog, why do you have a police dog, you're a makeup artist." Tessa says. Georgie just sigh, remembering how she got fired from that job, just because she was helping the people who were on flight 828. It was better anyways she was treated like crap.

"Let's just say that job had a falling out I think two years ago." Georgie says as honestly everything was a blur in her mind from flight 828 and right now she was intent on not getting killed.

That's when Nala started barking. "Um Georgie we've got a car tailing us!" Nala barks out as Georgie looks through the mirror, why today.

"Good eyes Nala, that's not right. Alright , Tessa, hold on tightly, Nala come here." Georgie says quickly as she looks to the sky if it was anytime she needed a calling it was right now. That when she hears a whispering voice saying go left. "Nala I'm just making sure I wasn't the only one who heard that." Georgie says as Nala nods.

"I heard it and you better do as it says turn left." Nala barks out as Georgie nods, taking a sharp left turn onto one of the other roads. Sure enough the other car skids to a stop and hits a tree making Georgie sigh in relief.

"Thank you whatever forces of nature does that." Georgie says thankfully, "Siri call Drea." Georgie says as the phone started ringing

"Hey Georgie what happened, are you okay?" Drea asks quickly and worriedly Georgie just rolls her eyes trying to remember all the code words. So she didn't have to let Tessa know she was being targeted.

"Let's just say my secret admirer, crashed at the end of Mined road. If you could get him that'd be great. I'm just glad I swerved on time. That may have turned out badly otherwise, and Eden and Olive still need me." Georgie says petting Nala.

"Well I'm glad I'll get down there as soon as I can, and you g" Drea says as Georgie nods, ending the call. Looking at Tessa. What was she thinking when she let her friend get in the same car as her.

"This was a mistake, I should take you back home. It's dangerous Being out here with me." Georgie says watching intently out the window as if the road would break.

"What do you mean. Why was that guy following us. And why did you let his car crash without going back. You've never did that before. You wouldn't let anyone get hurt.

"It wasn't, there's a lot you and your siblings don't know about. Merely for the sake of keeping you guys safe, and keep you from living in the hell I've been living in since flight 828 returned. There is no quick and easy way to explain it, but I guess I should start with this in the life I'm living. It's kill or be killed." Georgie says as Tessa looks in confusion.

"It can't be as bad as you make it sound. Why is Eden staying with you? Last time I checked you didn't like kids or want any" Tessa says softly as Georgie eyed Tessa.

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