For Better... Or For Worse

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Georgie yawns nearly falling asleep while researching rocks, but she shakes herself awake. She had to get going because there were only two days left. She couldn't let the Stone's down; they were counting on her. Ifshe didn't do this then Eden would never see her family again, and Georgie would have to take care of her forever. She and Drea had been working triple the time lately and it was exhausting not to mention she still has to take care of Eden. Who was getting her visions worse than ever. Not even the ghost of Grace had bothered them about resting, because this was too important.

"Hey, I think we should take a break and maybe eat something I'm starving. " Drea says quietly with her own yawn overlying it. Georgie just nods silently, getting off the couch, and heading to the kitchen. It was silent and dark in the room and the dishes that Georgie had used for dinner had not been touched. She was too tired, and had too much work to do, and Georgie was honestly used to the mess by now. Georgie just opens the fridge grabbing some leftover meatloaf that she had made. It was pretty badly burnt, but was edible. She also started the coffee as both she and Drea needed some. Before Georgie knew what was going on she felt pressure on her newly injured leg and winces looking down to see Eden had ran in and was clinging desperately to her leg. Georgie swallowed back the stabbing pain in her leg and offers a forced smile.

"Eden, what's wrong?" Georgie asks although the pressure on that leg really hurt Eagen who had done a job on it.

"Daddy's gonna die!" Eden exclaims crying loudly, causing Georgie to sigh, letting her shoulders slump. She really hoped that was a nightmare and not her glimpsing into the events that'll happen in two days.

"Aw bean, shh it's okay, Aunt Georgie and Drea aren't going to let that happen." Georgie tries to reassure picking up the five year old almost faltering as the throbbing in her leg finally subsides causing Georgie to sigh in relief.

"No, no daddy blew up... it's real, no stop no stop." Eden cries out as Georgie sighs heading to the couch with the girl in her arms. She was too big for this but it was better than hugging her leg to it's death.

Georgie didn't know what to say so she hugged the girl close to her letting Eden cry without as Georgie pretty much just willed herself to stay awake.


"Aunt Georgie Daddy no die will he?" Eden mumbles her question tiredly, almost asleep again as Georgie sharply inhales but nods, not wanting to upset the girl further.

"Not as long as I can help it. Get some sleep Bean, it's late and you get to have a fun weekend with Olive." Georgie says picking the girl up and taking her back to her room. Before coming back and sitting on the couch taking a few bites of meatloaf. Drea came to sit beside giving her a look. Georgie just rolls her eyes. "Drea, don't look at me like that I'm fine." Georgie told Drea whi again just looks at her unamused.

"Oh really, because when Eden was hugging on that leg it looked like you were about to collapse." Drea says with an unamused eye roll." Let me check your leg please. I know it's pretty much healed, but you were in obvious pain." Drea says as Georgie huffs, but allows Drea to check the stab wound that was bound to leave a scar, although Drea did an amazing job of sewing it up. "Okay great it looks fine." Drea says with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, Eden just really hugged me hard. The poor thing was so scared." Georgie says looking up at Drea who was eating a bit of meatloaf as well. "I wish..." Georgie started before stopping. Drea just looks at Georgie, showing she is paying attention, and nods looking for Georgie to continue. "I wish that I could take all this away. The pain, the nightmares, the worry. The whole plane fiasco in the first place. Eden's innocence was taken from her the moment her mother died. The child is terrified about even going outside. It's so unfair for her. Eden's a kid and is going through more than most adults do in their lifetime, and she's only five. I hate the dumb gems that have done this."

Georgie is so tired and overly frustrated about all of this. It didn't help that the stress of having two days left. Was weighing on both her and Drea. Drea just sighs carefully hugging her friend, who although tired still flinched slightly at the touch. "I know...I know it is. The first day I saw Eden so afraid to even walk out the door broke my heart as I'm sure it did to yours too, but it'll all be over soon for better or for worse. In two days Eden will be able to be a kid again and make friends and play outside. We'll finally be able to sleep if we're not dead, and it'll be over. We're almost there than life will be normal." Drea reassures.

"Yeah I know, but... no one who would ever goes through this comes out unscathed. I mean just look at us I've got shot twice, and now stabbed, you have gotten shot and almost blown up... twice. And I can't even imagine how well our mental health is doing and I'm too dang exhausted to ask myself that. Eden is going to have such a hard time in the real world, and it's all because of that stupid curse. Eden is never going to be able to fully trust anyone. And what if everything goes wrong and the Stones die? I'll be left raising Eden and I just don't think I could do that." Georgie says as Drea nods in understanding.

"We're all fighters. Eden will be able to figure out how to trust others we have... barely, but we have. She'll be fine after this, and if worse comes to worst we'll still have each other. I'll always be at your side and you won't go through this alone. Remember there will be a lot less to worry about after all this is over , and did I mention we'll collapse in complete and utter exhaustion?" Drea asks as Georgie nods, giving a tired chuckle.

"Alright breaks over back to work. Oh two more days to find those dumb rocks. " Georgie says only two more days until their life changes again

For better...or for worse...

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