Two Georgies and A Prank

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When Georgie  from the Adventures of Pumpkin universe come to the When All Heck Breaks Loose  universe the two agree it's  time to prank the quints with a little help from Drea. (Connects to Two Georgie + A Prank =Craziness in my Adventures of Pumpkin one shot book)

Thank Descendantsfan03 for letting  me use the quints and Toddler Mal Liv, and Maddie in this story it means a lot to me. I really  hope everyone  enjoys  if you do vote and comment 💖

Georgie sat down on her couch pulling  out  one of the books she had been meaning to read. It was a quiet day at the house. Drea was in her room with her three dogs while she was in her work room with her's. The Stone's  had went on a family  vacation  and although  they begged the two non related families to go. They had both refused.

Georgie  and Drea, both needed their time alone and that is what they were getting. Until both of their gems glow and a portal opens up.

"So that's  how you jumped universes. It looks like something  out of a Doctor Strange movie." The Georgie  clothes in black leather heard a very familiar  voice say as the three dogs wag their tails, and Drea and her pups have come in at hearing  the random voice coming  from their work room.

"Georgie  1 it's  so good to see you." Georgie  2 told her looking at her best friend. She better introduce the 'imposter' before  Drea could shoot at her or Gracie tried to swallow her whole. "These are my friends Drea Mikami, one of New York's  best spies, you met Nala, and then she has Gracie and Tomo. Drea this is Georgie  1 she lives in a different universe and those are her dogs who are the exact same as mine." Georgie  2 says and Drea just looks at Georgie  1 warily  the only reason she could  tell the two apart was due to her Georgie's necklace. Which had one of the gems in it.

"You sure she's  not going to kill us I've  heard Japanese  folklore and usually  when there's a clone it's  a robot that trying  to take over the world, and we seriously just got out of harm's way" Drea says and Georgie 2 notices the green gem glowing a bit.

"D calm down, you're being paranoid.'" Georgie  2 tells Drea who just sighs and nods petting  Tomo who was closest to her. Georgie 1 just looks around the house that looked similar  to hers except different photos and drawings were scattered over the walls.

"So this is your house. It looks just like mine, but at the same time it's way different." Georgie  1 says and Georgie 2 nods this was home sweet hom. This house was what kept her safe a lot of those crazy years.

"Yep, it's  mine and Drea's  home." Georgie 2 says looking  around her house which was finally  organized after the years it had been just a mess.

"So how's  life? I guess it's  doing better since the portal opened for me." Georgie 1 says and Georgie  2 just nods slowly staying near her best friend.

"I honestly  don't  know how the portal system works, but yeah it's  finally  over after five and a half long years. Come sit down, why don't  we catch up. Then you're going  to help me prank the quints since you owe me." Georgie 2 says and Georgie  1 nods. Drea just kind of stood there quietly  for a minute, a little uncomfortable.

"I think  I'm  gonna go figure out more about these things. The book Jun sent me has a lot of ground  to cover." Drea says  quickly  going  to her room with three dogs following her quickly.


"So wait, you've got into six car wrecks! That is absolutely crazy. How did you survive  those?" Georgie  1 asks and Georgie  2 shrugs. She didn't  know if she should tell Georgie 1 about the callings or not.

"It was truly a miracle, but it's also because Drea took most of the impact each time. I am actually  surprised our car still works to be honest and that our house is finally free from all the glass that broke during the five years." Georgie 2 says petting Pumpkin.

So what do you do now? Did you go back to makeup?" Georgie  1 asks and Georgie  immediately shakes her head after the curse. It was the first thing Georgie  2 thought about  and makeup work just wouldn't  work out anymore.

"Too much has changed to go back to what I  originally  did. My friends and I are private investigators  now, but also have to protect the gems that caused the curse in the first  place." Georgie  2 says showing her necklace with the gem attached to Georgie  2 and the stone immediately  blares to life. 

"It glows?" Georgie  1 asks and Georgie  2 rolls her eyes. The gem did way more  than just glow, and Georgie  2 figured she should have a little fun with this. She honestly  loved freaking  people  out with her abilities. So she let the teal gem glow as an electric ball formed in her palm. "What the heck!" Georgie  1 says and Georgie  2 laughs.

"The gems do much more than glow; they give my friends and I different  abilities  to assist what we do for a living. For example  Drea wears the green gem, and her abilities  are very keen hearing,  invisibility and shapeshifting since she does spy work. And I have telekinesis, talking  to animals, and electricity.

"When we work together  we can do even more crazy stuff, but that's  harder to explain." Georgie 2 says easily and Georgie 1 nods in understanding 

"What do I need to know about you world quints?" Georgie  1 asks and Georgie  2 smiles a little.

"The biggest difference is my Evie is married to Carlos and they have triplets who's names are Mal, Liv and Maddie. Oh and they also all have powers here too." Georgie  2 says breezily as that was what she was use to. She then looks at other Georgie  outfit and laughs "They're  gonna be so confused  when you go in wearing that!" Georgie  2 says looking  at the flowery dress. Georgie  2 never wore dresses anymore, she simply wore black most of the time except for her Pinkie Pie sleeper that Eden  made her wear during  her overnight stays.

"Why?" Georgie 1 asks in confusion and Georgie  2 laughs.

"No offense, but I wouldn't  be caught dead in that dress. I'm  more of a dark colors kinda girl and I barely  wear dresses anymore." Georgie  2 says quietly and Georgie 1 looks at her and chuckles.

"They'll  probably  react the same way my friends reacted to you wearing black leather." Georgie 1 says and Georgie  2 chuckles  remembering the shock on Georgie  1 Lola's shock when she saw that she was wearing leather.

"Yeah true. I texted Tessa  and asked if we could hang out. We'll  see what she says. Meanwhile  let's make this prank more fun. Drea!" Georgie 2 calls to her friend who comes out of her room with a groan.

"No need to yell, I can hear people's conversation from a mile away. I can hear you just fine. Anyways I'm  guessing  you two need a ride somewhere Drea asks her Georgie who nods.

"Yep and your invisibility as well." Georgie  2 says and Georgie  1 immediately  sees the close bond the two friends had. Proving just how much they've  been through  together.

"Of course, you only call me when you need something. " Drea says with a playful eye roll. "Anyways, what's  the plan this time?" Drea asks, pulling  her hair back. Georgie  2 just smiles.

"I have the perfect idea Drea do you think you can handle keeping  me invisible  for an hour?" Georgie  asks and her friend  smirks. 

"Well… I was gonna go to the arcade and beat innocent  kids at the shooting games, and win something  for Eden." Drea started wiggling her eyebrows at Georgie  2 who shakes her head at her friend in fake irritation 
"but I can do that any day. So why not."  Drea finished and Georgie  2 smiled.

"Great let's get this prank started!"

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