Connecting The Dots Part 1.

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Everything is going smoothly for the Stone family. Everyone is doing they're own thing and have finally found where they belong until Cal meets TJ look alike and a calling leaves them questioning and needing to investigate this happens sometime after the wedding and after Michaela baby is born (currently working on that lol)

Thank you so much Descendantsfan03 for giving me this idea and helping me figure out how to do it. It means a lot. Also I'm sorry if Zachs characters from Pretty Little Liars The Perfectionist is off it's been forever since I've seen that and I barely even remember his character so this is based off of what I found on the internet. I really hope everyone enjoys

"Georgie, Auntie Mick, Drea, I got in!," Cal calls out from the living room one early evening while the three women finish off papers from their last case. They all look up and grin as the baby in the crib starts crying, making Michaela sigh glaring at Cal.

"Thanks a lot Cal, I just got her to sleep!" Michaela says tiredly although she had been on desk duty since she came bac from maternity leave. Georgie and Drea just sigh as well as although they loved their niece and partner they had wished Michaela would have taken more time off as they were doing fine without her, but Michaela was way too stubborn so she was working on files as the two others took care of investigating.

"I'm guessing you got the scholarship?" Georgie asks happily as Cal nods excitedly. Causing Georgie to brighten up although the last mission had called a few all fighters and bothe Georgie and Drea were exhausted. "Congrats bud, I can't believe the little boy I use to play monopoly with and scare me with his calling drawings is going to college." Georgie says as Cal rolls his eyes.

"Yeah they said as long as I promised I wouldn't draw anymore prophecies then they were happy to help. It's amazing that they're still scared of us. It's not like I have callings anymore. " Cal says with annoyance as Georgie grumbles.

"Aren't you the lucky one." Georgie says causing Cal to frown as he did feel bad for Georgie because the callings were horrors and she was wearing it around her neck.

Anyways they suggested I go to this art festival next weekend so I was wondering if you could watch Abyss and Raven for me while I was gone? I would have asked Olive and TJ, but seeing that they're half way across the world that would be hard." Cal says as Geor nods.

She was never a big fan of cats, but she would not mind watching them for a weekend as the cats were decent. "Of course, I don't mind at all." Georgie told him as Cal nods

"Thanks. I've gotta go tell dad then call Olive. Bye guys!" Cal yells out excitedly causing the three to laugh getting back to work.

.... .

Cal looks around excitedly as he looks at some of the paintings that looked very cool and pulling out his old sketchbook with his callings in them looking at the one he did of the meth heads when he was still a kid. Three black shadows uhis bed. He then looks to the last one he did when he was thirteen a black figure, wings of fire holding a baby and bending over a dead figure with a knife stuck in it's stomach.

He shudders at his horrendous drawings not wanting to remember that fateful day. That's when he bumps into someone as he wasn't paying attention and drops the old messed up notebook. "Oh um-- I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention. " Cal rambles out before the stanger could speak, quickly grabbing his notebook and quickly pulling it away before the stranger could see his horrifying drawings. People were already scared of him. He didn't want them to think he was some demon like they used to think before the curse was broken, but the guy he bumped into did see drawings of ominous figures.

"It's okay, cool drawings" The voice says Cal just looks in confusion seeing that thankfully when the book fell down it landed on one of the less drastic ones with more details

"Um thanks that's actually from a while ago when I was I think thirteen." Cal says that he didn't remember and his age was so wacky due to aging up five and a half years. It was honestly a bit confusing. "I'm Cal Stone. Who are you?" Cal asks finally to look up as he was less worried and embarrassed now that it wasn't one of the scarier ones.

"Zach Fortson nice to meet you Cal" Cal looks at the stranger and the words die on his tongue this guy looked exactly like exactly, exactly like his brother in law.

"Um I've got to go, it was nice to meet you um... Zach." Cal says using his phone to take a picture to send to Georgie something was up, and he needed his PI's friends' help to figure this out.


Georgie lies in her bed next to Eden whom she was babysitting for the day along with hoping to watch my little pony again . Although this time it didn't matter to her as she was just trying to rest as she was pretty tired. "Aunt Georgie Cal texted!" Eden says as Georgie nods grabbing her phone she suspects that this was about the two cats snuggled up beside her.

She was totally surprised to see a photo of who she thought was TJ and a text saying "Met this dude today and he looks a lot like TJ! Have any idea who he is did we miss something while in Jamaica?" Cal asks as Georgie looks at the phone was this a prank.

Georgie didn't get to answer as her necklace glows and she groans getting sucked into a calling. That she honestly didn't feel like dealing with at the moment.


Her surroundings change she's in a backyard and she had no idea where that's when she hears two groans. "Georgie why the heck are we here!" Drea asks in surprise Georgie anappes her head towards Drea.

"Great! I thought I was done with callings!" Cal says as Georgie just gapes

"I'm sorry I didn't want to. I still can't control that aspect of these powers. Why are we here calling?" Georgie questions A flash of light bursts in front of them and in it Georgie only got to see a glimpse of two kids and then she is jolted back into the room where Eden looks at her worriedly.

"Aunt Georgie you had a calling." Eden says as Georgie nods, waiting for the voice to tell her what her next move is.

"Investigate." Georgie nodded and it was kind of her job, but what was she investigating? She didn't understand the context.

"Please tell me that, that isn't normal for every calling just being launched out of whatever you were doing and into a whole nother I don't even know what." Drea says as Georgie rolls her eyes.

"You think that was bad. Try being on a turbulent plane." Georgie says as her phone rings and she sees it's Cal wanting to video chat. Drea just slides on the bed. Georgie answered the phone and started the video chat.

"That had to be about Zach!" Cal says causing the two friends to look at Cal in confusion, they had met so many people, but they don't remember a Zach. Cal seems to notice and quickly elaborates "The guy I bumped into earlier, the guy I sent a photo of." Cal says as Georgie looked even more perplexed.

"I thought that was just a prank. That really wasn't TJ?" Georgie questioned as Cal shook his head no although he understood Georgie's doubt as Zach looks like TJ's twin.

"I wasn't, do you think they're related somehow?" Cal asks as Georgie sighs she didn't feel as if this were her place. It wasn't her place to ask about TJ's past. She didn't have much of a relationship with TJ anyway; she didn't want to mess that up.

"I don't think it's our place to find out." Georgie says simply as Cal just looks at her in confusion. Georgie never disobeyed the calling as it was trying to help them.

"Miss Georgie you can't disobey a calling, they're trying to help us!" Cal says as Georgie rolls her eyes she use to do that, but when it came to people's personal life she thought that was a little too far. TJ was happy she knew it and she could feel it. She didn't want to ruin that by doing this.

"I'm not doing it bud, that crosses a line I will not cross. I admit I'm curious but bbn I'm not meddling in someone's personal life. We don't even know if the calling is about them." Georgie says ending the call so she could pay attention to Eden she didn't want to talk about this subject any longer

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