Christmas In A Different Perspective Part 2

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"Hey Olive, hi Mr. Stone." Georgie  says hugging Olive and  putting her hand out for the grandfather  of her niece to shake. When something  she least expected  happened.  He hugged her. Georgie  immediately  tried not to tense and panic at the touch and just took a deep breath hesitantly hugging  back.

" Call me Steve, you're  raising my granddaughter  there is no need for formalities  dear." Steve says calmly as Georgie  looks at him nervously than to Olive  who nods.

"Yes, of course, it's  so good to see the both of you. I'm  sorry this place isn't  decorated. I didn't  know you guys were coming… otherwise  I would have decorated  the house some or at least made sure it was clean." Georgie  rambles as Olive just chuckles.

"Miss Georgie,  it's fine  we know  you and Drea are  busy. Plus we want to decorate  with you guys Olive  says putting her bag down  as Georgie  nods.

"Of course, but tomorrow  it's  pretty  late already and it's  nearing  Eden's  bedtime. If you guys don't  mind." Georgie  says looking  at Steve and then Eden.

"Aunt Georgie  I  no wanna go to bed Grandpa is here!" Eden argues as the grandfather  smiles at the five year old. Who wanted to spend more time with him.

"Now Eden,  you need to listen to your aunt. It is late. I'll tell you what, you and I will spend the whole day together tomorrow,  but you need to go to sleep first." Steve says as Eden nods.

"Okay! Come on, Aunt  Georgie  read me a bedtime  story! Eden tells out  grabbing  Georgie's  hand as she takes off for the stairs Georgie  just looks at them before following. 

"I'll be back eventually." Georgie  says making  Olive  chuckle watching  her babysitter follow her little sister  as she went to sit on the couch where  Drea was working  on her computer.

"Hey Drea what you working  on Olive asks sitting  down beside Drea.  "Just  Christmas  shopping. Since we're  being targeted  it easier for me order online  and just quickly  pick  it up at the store is faster and safer." Drea says Olive sneaks a peek seeing unicorn toys. "I see Eden is still in love with unicorns huh." Olive asks as Drea laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Not just love, she is obsessed  with those mythical creatures.  She doesn't  seem interested  in much else really. You should see all the unicorn toys she has I'm  trying  to find one we haven't gotten  her yet. That girl is spoiled by me and Georgie." Drea admits as Olive smiles.

"I'm  sure she deserves it. Georgie  use to spoil me too, but that was of course  back when she had a job to get some money from. Georgie  was most definitely  cooler than Aunt  Mic." Olive says with a laugh as Georgie  walks back down the stairs.

"What are you  guys talking  about?" Georgie asks playfully  as Drea glances her way.

"About  how much we spoil Eden, and how much you love her." Drea says slyly  as Georgie rolls her eyes playfully. 

"What, that is not true at all. I don't  like little kids and Eden's definitely isn't spoiled! " Georgie  says in a playful tone making  sure everyone  knew she was just joking.

"So how are you guys doing?  Anything  crazy happens  while we were gone?" Olive asks as Georgie  and Olive look at each other. If only  they knew.

"Well our car almost  got blown up, and we earned a few small scars thankfully  nothing  else has happened. We're  just still searching  for an answer now." Georgie  says as Drea nods. 

"That's  good and I'm glad Eden  is doing  great my family  chose an amazing  person to take care of her. I'm  honestly glad you came into our lives when you did. Because  I'm  a bit old to be taking  care of a small child. Plus Ben and Michaela were terrors they were always fighting  since they were only three years apart.

"Grandpa, tell Georgie  and Drea the story of when Auntie Mic and Dad fought over the last Christmas present." Olive says as the grandpa chuckles as both Drea and Georgie look at Steve with interest.

"Well they were twelve and nine at the time, and we were opening  presents and there was one with both of their names on it, it was a puppy. Eventually  Michaela  got to open it, but the poor puppy hated them after that day. What about  you  two funny Christmas  stories." He asks, Georgie  and Drea just shake their heads. Drea's family  was very  strict and Christmas  was never really much fun, and Georgie's family never really  cared about it. 

"Not really  my family… never really celebrated  it. I knew it existed, but again we just never did much of anything  for it." Georgie  says Drea just nods.

"My family was very  strict. So Christmas  wasn't  very fun." Drea says .

"Oh well, that's okay you're  both making  Christmas  memories  now." Steve says as Georgie  and Drea nod. Eden had definitely  changed their ideas of Christmas, and it had really been fun despite the dire circumstances .

"That's  right. I still needed to finish Christmas  shopping sometime though it's been hectic  lately. Georgie  says as Steve and Olive  nod.

"I better retire Ol, don't  stay up too late, and I'm  talking  to all of you  when I say that." Steve says going  to one of the other guest rooms and  leaves the three girls alone.

"Hey G, what do you think about  this toy for Eden? "  Drea asks, pulling  up a unicorn rideable toy. Georgie  just smiles; she knew Eden  would absolutely  love this.

"You and I both know she will love this. That's when Georgie's phone started ringing and she quickly  checked the number. "Um, I'm  going  to head up to bed with Eden. I know I'll be up early. Goodnight you two she says walking  up the stairs, and answering  the phone. "Hey TJ, what's up?" Georgie  asks quietly, closing  the bedroom door for she and Olive's  boyfriend  could  talk in private. 

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