23) One Family Breaks For Good, The Other Reunites

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Hermione had been staring at the big front door for what felt like an eternity, but eventually she dared to raise her hand to use the big lion head as she knocked against the hard wooden door, to create the sound that would catch the attention of the people inside.

For a while she wondered if someone would even open the door, but as she was about to leave she heard the lock flick, and there appeared a face that she hadn't seen for a while.

"Mija?" Her mother questioned, upon seeing her daughter.

"Hi, mother. Can I come in?" Hermione smiled shyly.

Her mother hesitated for a brief second, but then gave her a small nod. She gestured for her to come further. Hermione felt as if she was trespassing in the home she grew up in.

"You want some tea?" Her mother held up the kettle.

"I'd love that." She smiled slightly.

"I am assuming you've come back here for forgiveness. Have you spoken to God?" Her mother asked, as they sat down around the salon table.

"I've tried to. It has been hard." Hermione confessed quietly, as she looked into her tea to somehow find an answer in the leaves.

"When you stop living in sin, God will welcome you back and forgive you." Her mother assured her.

"Can you ever forgive me, mother?" Hermione looked up with pleading eyes.

"When you marry a man, I will. You can still choose the right thing, Mija." She looked straight her daughter with what Hermione would call an icy look, a big contrast to how she used to look at her.

"I'm not marrying a man, mother. I want to marry Mary one day." Hermione said, without missing a beat.

"So you're not here to tell me you've snapped out of this nonsense?" Her mother scoffed, as she was slowly growing furious.

"No, I am here to ask you to accept me for who I am." Hermione said softly, still believing that there was some hope left.

"Are you doing this to hurt your family, Hermione?" She asked coldly.

"No, mother. I love Mary. She's the love of my life and makes me happier than I ever thought  I could be." Hermione smiled lovingly as she thought about her girlfriend, the one she loved like she had never loved anyone else.

"I believed you would come to your senses in no time, but it looks like you're a lost cause, Hermione. You're an embarrassment to this family." Her mother crossed her arms and couldn't even bare to look at her daughter.

"I was willing to forgive you if you'd come back to tell me you were with a man of status, but it turns out you've made your choice."

"Your father and I will stop supporting you financially." She told her harshly, as she realized that Hermione wouldn't break up with Mary, nor would she ever marry a man.

"You don't really think of me like that, do you mother?" Hermione's voice cracked, but her mom stayed silent. She just look back at her with cold, disapproving eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'll miss you." Hermione said quietly.

"See yourself out, please. You're no longer welcome here."

It were the last words her mother ever spoke to her.


Ever since she had closed the door of her childhood home for one last time, the tears had been running down her cheeks, with no way to stop them. All she wanted was the arms of the love of her life, but she didn't want for her to feel that guilt. That didn't feel fair. So, she ran to the one other place she knew she could always go to.

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