Chapter 13 - Dishes, Pizza, and The Kiss

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Mari's POV

I watched the whole thing go down. Luke picked her up, spun her around, and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. He put her down and went over to Ashton. She looked at me with the biggest eyes. She was just as stunned as I was. Though I was bumming about not remembering a whole lot; this totally snapped me out of my head.

"OMG, you just got kissed by Luke!" I whisper-yelled to her. She was just standing there nodding her head. She could have melted right there on the kitchen floor. I was a bit jealous though, but damn he was right. She is a super good luck charm. Wherever she is, good luck always follows. I have never seen something bad happen around her. No bullies, no failed tests, no bad grades, nobody hated her or shut her out. She was just an awesome person.

She walked back to the back room and started talking about how to play. I guess she wanted a little challenge of her own. I sat back down on one of the chairs by the counter. I must have looked upset because before I knew it I had two hands resting on my shoulders. "It's ok..." Michael said as he rubbed my shoulders a bit. He stopped and went around to grab some pizza. I wished he was still rubbing my shoulders. His hand were soft and firm, yet gentle and light at the same time. Almost like if he touched me then I would break like glass. I felt my cheeks get warm just thinking about him. Damn my crush on him since I saw their covers on YouTube.

I walked around and picked up a slice of pepperoni pizza. Michael was heating his pizza up when he asked if I wanted to just put mine with his that way we could eat sooner. I agreed because I had realized I was starving. Once the pizza was done in the microwave we sat down in the chairs and ate quietly. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was more of a comfortable silence that was shared with the sweet smell of pizza.

Once I was done I put my plate in the sink and started to wash it. "Don't worry about the dishes, it's my turn to do them anyway." Michael said with the sweetest voice. "Oh,well is it ok if I wash mine? I'm weird and kind of like doing dishes." Lie. I hated doing dishes, but I did keep myself occupied with things when I had stuff to think about. "Ha, sure I don't care. Just make yourself at home." He was really sweet. I liked how welcoming he was, even if I was about to be dumped 3 hours away from my home. I looked over at the time. 12:07, we still had about 2 hours to go until Atlanta when my phone started to ring. I looked at the Caller I.D. 'Mom', great I had completely forgotten that after all of this I had to deal with the issue of getting back home.

I Got You (Michael Clifford Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin