Chapter 41 - To The Bus!!!

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Sky's POV (8:30 am)

I feel bad that I made Luke sleep on the couch last night but he deserves it. He needs to learn that I don't like this stuff and that I can take care of haters by myself. That is unless they get grabby in crowds... Then we will have a problem.

"Come on Skylar! Come help me with YOUR bags!" Mari yelled as she carried some more bags down the hall to the kitchen.

"Fine I'm coming!" I said as I put the last of my makeup into my tiny bag. I had some makeup, clothes that will last a week, my toothbrush and toothpaste, and some other stuff that I'm going to keep at the end of my bunk. This way I don't have to pull my suitcase out from the trunk thing that they have on the bus. You can only access it from the outside, which sucks but whatever.

"SKYLAR LEANNE BRASWELL!" Mari screamed from the end of the hall. She hates when people ignore her, but I didn't do it on purpose...this time😎

"Damn, I'm coming! Don't get you sleeves in a twist!" I say as I place my small bag in the kitchen. I always say sleeves because of when she messes with them, but lately I have only seen her mess with her sleeves once.

I walk down the hall and grab my suitcase along with some others. The one I grabbed was really heavy so it must have been one of the boy's because they have a lot more stuff than us.

I still can't believe my parents let me do this. They can be so overprotective and bitchy sometimes. They probably agreed because Mari and Anita are coming too, and me and Mari made plans for school. We are going to homeschool ourselves on this website we found until we go back home. Well, until I get back home. Mari says that she doesn't want to stay with me and my family because they are too close to her "old" house. Her parents are such assholes for kicking her out like that. At least David is still sending her some of her stuff, and he gets in and out pretty quick. We still need to give him an address for more of her stuff.

"Come on Sky! To The Bus! Frank says that some security person is going to load up the bus for us." Anita says as she puts the last of the suitcases in the kitchen.

"Woohoo! Alabama here we come! Mr. Faircloth is going to be so jealous!" I say as we head to the elevator. Mr. Faircloth is...was our science teacher back home.

🚐on the bus🚐

We are all settled and in the sitting area having management come and give us a talk about boys and girls rules on the bus. They got a different bus for us too. This one is much prettier...and cleaner because the boys trashed the last one. This one is very homey and has more bunks for everyone. It has a little kitchen near the couches we are on now, and there is a long row of 12 bunks that lead to the back room. This back room has a bunch of game stations too and there are two large mirrors in there as well. This bus is awesome.

"...and no one leave the bus without letting Frank know because if you leave and no one knows where you are then he will lose his job." I look over and see Frank boarding the bus and making a small comment about how he loves his job. "And there is a small mini fridge in the back room but don't plug it in unless you have to store important stuff in there..." Michael leaves forward to speak but the manager cuts him off, I think his name is Gus. "No Michael food is not important. Things like medicine that has to be kept cold, ice packs, things like that." He says with a chuckle in his voice. "And Mari, we have ordered about 6 months worth of your medicine just in case but it will be kept in some cooler thing that you have to get to through the outside." She nods and with that Gus walks of the bus and gives Frank a few pieces of paper with what I assume are stopping points or directions.

"So...." Michael starts, "I CALL A TOP BUNK!" He screams as he quickly grabs his carry on bag and runs down the hall of bunks.

"Mee too!" Yells Mari as she squeezes her way though everyone and claims her bunk right across from Michael's.

"Awesome they have built in DVD players on the roof of each bunk!" Ashton giggles excitedly. "I'm totally watching "How I Met Your Mother" tonight!

Damn these guys are such children. I look over at the others. Anita is calmly sitting next to Calum and Luke looking at each other while we all stare each other down. All at once we bound from the couch and run for the row of bunks the others hop into their bunks to get out of the way but Mari can't jump that high so Michael ends up pushing her into it before jumping into his. We all get top bunks except for Calum.

"Awww, no fair. I was pushed." He whines as we all laugh at how silly we just were. "Wait never mind I'm good down here." He says as he chooses the bottom bunk below Anita. What a sucker.

We all put our suitcase into some of the other bottom bunks and head for the back room, while I head for the kitchen. I look in the cabinets and see snacks galore! "Wow, talk about inventory!" I say to myself.

"Yeah, Frank likes to have options when we leave the bus and he gets to sneak our snacks." I hear Luke say and turn around. He is looking at me with those deep blue eyes and I find it hard to resist him but I do anyways. "Please! I know you didn't want me to do that but I was only trying to protect you. I didn't mean for you to find out that way, I was going to tell you in a week so I could ease you into the hate." He says with a pleading look on his face. He must have seen me tense up when he talked for the first time.

"You can't hide me from the world Luke. It would have happened sooner or later. You could have at least just said, 'you know Skylar, I messed up and leaked that you are my girlfriend' instead of logging into my stuff and deleting everything." I say with hurt in my voice. I know he hates seeing me like this by the look on his face.

"I know and I'm so sorry I didn't just tell you. Can you please forgive me because cuddling with Ashton instead of you at night, just isn't the same." He pleads. I giggle a little at the Ashton part and a smile appears on his face. "Is that a yes?" He asks. I nod and hug him so tight. I haven't felt his touch in a whole 14 hours and sleeping alone last night killed me. I feel him kiss my exposed shoulder and all feels right with the world. My boyfriend is back and I'm going on tour with him and my best friends, what could possibly go wrong?

I Got You (Michael Clifford Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin