Why Am I Here?

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Kayla POV

I continued to sob as I noticed the curly haired boy untie my hands. What? Are they letting me go?

"Stay here, Niall's coming"

It was worth a shot. But I'm proper scared about meeting this Niall oh god I'm going to break down.

The boys sat down on the sofa opposite me. I was still sat on the hard wooden chair which was hurting my ass but I was too scared to move and grateful to be away from them.

Wow in less than, what? 5 hours? My life has completely turned upside down. Kidnapped by The One Direction gang...

I heard a door creak open, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was the blonde guy, the one with all the problems. The one who chased me. The one who took me.

He sat on the sofa where the boys were sitting and looked at me comprehendingly. He had really intense blue eyes, no what am I saying he's a criminal!

"So... I bet your wondering why you're here?" The blonde one started, to be honest I really had no clue, all of a sudden he met me, I kicked him and now I'm kidnapped so guess he didnt take it lightly. But still...

"No I don't and I will be leaving now thank you very much."

"No! Your not going anywhere, who thinks you can make the rules" he walk towards me, ok now he was getting scary.

I just gulped and he smirked knowing he had exceeded in scaring me. Like seriously what was his problem, stupid egotistic wanker.

I saw his face go bright red with anger as he clenched his fist and widened his eyes. Oh shit, did I say that out loud!? I really aren't getting on his good side am I? If he even has a good side.

"You... You, got some nerve there girl" he growled. I'm not even just saying that he literally growled.

Wow, I'm getting scared.

"Erm Niall?" Wait, what? This was the Niall? Not some old man who run this gang? Oh phew I mean don't get me wrong I'm scared nonetheless but I'm just relieved I don't get to meet new scary people.

The boy with the quiff worriedly looked at Niall.

"Mate erm... Calm down." He looked fairly confused. I almost felt sorry for him.

Anyway, this Niall thing (yeah I don't care I'm calling him thing) calmed and looked at me.

"What your name?" He muttered

"K-Kayla" I stuttered

"I'm Niall" he pointed to himself

"This is Zayn" he pointed to the quiff dude

"Harry..." That was the curly guy

"Louis" brown haired guy

"And Liam" scary buzz haired guy

Why was he even talking like we just met and now we were going to be bezzies I mean I'm trapped with a gang who could kill me like any second and they're all acting cool about it.

"I don't understand... Your not going to kill me?" I don't know where that came from. They all laughed at me.

"Love, we wouldn't dream of killing a pretty face like yours." The Harry dude was freaking me out he just winked at he ugh.

"WHY AM I HERE!!!?" I couldn't keep it in- again. I let everything just come out and screamed. I screamed and wailed and cried. They all just looked at me like I was a scary disease. Wow so they rob banks and kill people but when it comes to a girl crying and totally losing it they're completely lost now?

Niall walked up to me and gripped my wrist. I just gasped and stopped crying. He led me down a hallway and into a... Bedroom?

"Stay here and go to sleep...beds over there" he mumbled and shut the door.

So that was it. Lock me in a room and make me cry myself to sleep? Keep me here forever?

I tried to open the door but it was locked, hmm they really have locked me in.

And with that I crumpled to the floor and cried my heart out.

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