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Kayla POV

All I remembered was Louis coming in to talk to me. I don't know why but he seemed calm. Then out of nowhere his eyes became dark and he started to go all bad and tried to r...r...I can't even say it but the last thing I saw was him blocking my mouth with his hand as I screamed and lashed out and after I but his hand with the tears pouring down, he slapped me and everything went black as I heard a crash of something fall down, something big but I can't remember.

I wake up rubbing my cheek from where Louis had slapped me and then the visions from last nights rape came into my mind, I couldn't do this anymore I'm done. I've been raped. Kidnapped. Hurt. I'm so done. I take in my surroundings realising that I'm not where I was...yesterday was it? But yeah I'm not in Niall's room anymore.

I quickly jump off the bed a bit scared and become dizzy. Just then I hear a low raspy voice speak.

"Hello love, you alright?" I turn around to find Harry sprawled across the bed I was sleeping on in only his boxers. His curly mop of hair was sticking up in all directions resting on his pillow as turned his head to face me. Damn he looked godly...weird I know but he looked so, like, erm, well hot I guess- wait what no what am I saying snap out of it, Kayla!

"Like what you see?" Harry asks me smirking.

he seems to do that a lot. It's so frustrating but shit I never knew I was looking I quickly blurt out saying "I'm err where am I?"

"You are in Harold's Chamber aka paradise for you" he chuckled as he looked me up and down. I was still just wearing Niall's t shirt so this isn't helping.

Harry gets up from the bed pulling on some pyjama bottoms before coming over to me now with a serious facial expression.

"Love, don't worry, we have sorted Louis out. He's never been so" he scratched the back of his head obviously finding this awkward "err...yeah"

WHAT?! He fucking tells me not to worry when I just got raped and possibly lost my virginity I mean who knows what Louis did when I was knocked fuck sake!


I thought I would be really tearful and crying my eyes out at this point but there's been too much of that. Cry, cry, cry that's all that happens. Boys think they can just use and abuse you but hell no, hell. NO. I am my own person and these people have literally ruined my life. I went straight to Harry's door while he stood there kind of confused and shocked as I screamed all my frustration into the centre of their warehouse just really fed up. That felt good. Until I started to regret it as Zayn came out from his bedroom looking well pissed followed by Liam from his room also looking very uh well... So far Liam's been nothing but scary and intimating and right now did not help whatsoever.

"Ugh what the hell?" Zayn scratches his head in just his boxers while Liam has his arms folded across his bathrobe, at least he had the ordacity to cover up.

I backed up as they came towards me towering over me like I was some piece of fresh meat, ok maybe that's a bit over exaggerated but they weren't happy.

I took a step back bumping into something hard and it turned out to be Harry raising an eyebrow like I was do pathetic.

"Right, Kayla, if you just let me finish talking. I'm afraid I haven't explained everything fully as you lashed out false accusations" oh and there goes his smirk making me feel very stupid oh yes.

"Wait...false accusations?" I mumbled. Now I'm the confused one.

Zayn and Liam just stood there looking at us then each other and sighed while going back to bed probably just suggesting not to involve themselves in our conversation. Good for them, scary fuckers.

"Here" Harry grabbed my hand and took me to their living room to sit down.

"Right, lets get the most important thing out the way. You, Kayla, were not raped." He sighed out as he watched me carefully. I just let that sink in, I wasn't? Then...

"What was Louis doing then? Just a bit of fun and games?" I rolled my eyes

Harry sighed "Look we where banging on the door trying to get in when we heard screaming and we manages to busy down the door and knock Louis out. But just that second he had hit you and you blacked out. So we kinda saved you before anything happened. So you're all good." He let out a deep sigh. He said that all pretty fast.

"Oh..." Is all I can muster saying. I feel so stupid right now. Screaming at him and making a fool out off myself. I mean I'm so relieved with not losing my virginity I was so upset when I thought I had. But I guess I should have been more observant before stating I was raped I mean, don't you feel pain when you first have sex? Wow I'm so retarded...

"Erm... Yeah well I'll just get Niall for you." Harry says as he broke the awkward silence between us as I was contemplating what had happened and wait did he say 'get Niall for me'?! What's that supposed to mean I'm not like Niall's property or something just cuz it was Niall who kidnapped me does not mean I'm his. Wow I get worked up quick.

Harry called Niall from his bedroom before supposedly going back to bed and then all I could hear was Niall groan in response and stick his head out his door before seeing me and running down the steps. Before he got to the landing he saw Louis come out the bathroom and quickly head locked him, dragging him down the stairs with Niall squeezing his hold tighter.

"Aaaah, dammit Niall!!!" Louis shouted as he came down the steps but held by Niall in a firm grip.

"Sorry but yer don't get off the hook that easily" Niall said as he threw Louis onto the floor about to throw a ouch to Louis who had already looked pretty hurt probably from yesterday, but was interrupted as he saw me and met my gaze.

"Kayla... Hey how are yuh babe?" He said awkwardly. I didn't know what to say. I mean I'm scared senseless being in the presence of Louis so I do the only thing I can at this moment in time. I run to Harry's room, he's the only person apart from Niall who I've gotten to know a bit more and even though I hate these people, he's the most friendliest. I knock on the door and hear some footsteps and something drop from Harry's bedroom.

"Shit" I hear him say before he opens the door. "Oh, hey. Thought you were with Niall?" It came out more of a question instead of a statement.

"Err he's handling Louis at the moment and I really don't want to see..." I drifted off. Louis shouldn't get this beating. I know that what he was going to do was wrong but he already looks like he's had enough.

Harry and I flinched as we heard a crash and he nodded understandingly before asking "So, do you want to come in here or?"

"Actually I was wondering if I could have a shower?" I said. I feel grimy again. I feel like I need to wash this stress and just be clean and weightless.

"Sure" Harry smiles "I'll get you some clothes, you know where the shower is right?" I nod as I take the clothes and step into the shower.

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