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Kayla POV

I woke up with my head throbbing and I felt dehydrated. Did I really cry that much? Not only that but I was in the bed- I don't remember getting up off the floor and sleeping in the bed...

I think I'm going crazy, you know being held hostage or whatever this is.

I tossed on my other side as my arm I was resting on got numb when I saw a body sleeping next to me-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" OMG OMG, who is that. Uh oh I woke him.

"What the fu...?" Niall. Just my luck. Why was he here anyway.

"It's my bedroom, stupid" he rolled his eyes. Did I seriously say that out loud!? I need to stop thinking out loud.

"I erm I" I could feel my cheeks go tomato red. How embarrassing.

"I was on the floor, I don't remember coming up to the bed..."

"Course you don't, you were knocked out on the floor. I carried you" he grumbled. He definitely wasn't a morning person.

"Why? Why didn't you just leave me?" I whispered but Niall had already fallen fast asleep again.

I need to get up. Look around maybe. Hmm, if Niall's asleep then perhaps the whole gang is. Which gives me time to escape! Ok, I need to see what time it is where's my phone...

They took my phone!!? It was here in my pocket yesterday. I freaking hate when people have my phone I mean u have nothing I hide I'm just overprotective. They probably thought I was gunna call the police.

"Mhhhmmhm" Niall groaned as he turned over and his arm just came around my waist in like a bar to keep me down.

"Crap" I muttered, how the hell am I going to get out of his strong arm? Did he know what I was going to go?

I carefully wriggled from his grip but he only made it tighter- to the point I can't breathe. He has a lot of strength when he's sleeping.

"Niall...." I gasped. What else am I supposed to do, he'll cut my blood circulation!?

Niall moaned this time,, like he liked me saying his name? I'm getting super freaked out I need to get out. I quickly opened his eyelid in the hope of him waking up. Otherwise I have to use plan B.

I managed to get one arm free and lift his eye lid. He eyes were rolled back but eventually he looked at me, yes he was awake. I didn't want to end up slapping him, knowing what he's capable of.

"What are you doing?" He looks up at me from his pillow.

"Y-you erm, your kinda hurting me" I look down at his arm which he follows and immediately lets go, turning red again but in...embarrassment.

"Sorry" he whispered. Wow, I thought he was too 'badass' apologise.

"Erm yeah, where's your bathroom?" I feel so awkward I mean I'm there hostage and I'm casually asking where their bathroom is. Cool.

"Down the hall, then the last door on the right." He said. He looked confused, what? Doesn't he know that girl use the bathroom too?

I get up slowly and put on my shoes which must have been taken off by him too, and walk out the unlocked door. Their old warehouse building looked bright and friendlier in the morning. Not as hostile, but still I'm not saying I want to be here.

I slowly trudged down until I got to the bathroom. I actually did need the bathroom. After I used the bathroom I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Wow I look like shit. My hair was in all directions my wavy hair was all matted and my mascara was all smudged. I washed my ace vigorously and combed through my hair with my fingers.

Right. Now to plan tactics, I'm already locked in this bathroom and there's a small tiny window at the top. There was no way I could fit through that, I mean yeah I'm fairly thin but not even a child above the age of 8 could fit through. Not to mention is high up so I can't reach it.

Ok Kayla, think. I could just act all Spider-Man and climb up the wall right? What, it's not my fault I lie Spider-Man. Ok I need to concentrate...

That's it! I saw a laundry basket in the bathroom which I could stand on and try not to break to get out. But I could also use the shower curtain as a rope so I don't hurt myself if there's a big drop. Sorted.

I quickly move the basket over underneath the window and took off the shower curtain. I twisted the shower curtain so it was thin and rope like then tied it to the spotlight bear the window I was wobbling on the basket and new it wouldn't take my weight any longer so I quickly opened the window and dangled the shower curtain out of it.

The drop wasn't that low but still I wasn't going to risk it even if the bathroom was only on one story of the building.

I had to squeeze myself out the window so I took a deep breath and quickly got my top half out. But, this is the embarrassing part- my ass it stuck yeah my ASS. This is so embarrassing I mean what if someone saw me sticking halfway out the window?

Ok I need to squeeze some more...

Yes! I managed to get my bum out and my legs easily came out too. I tugged on the shower curtain and slowly slid down to the floor outside. It was freezing but I was just happy to be out.

And then that's when all my happiness drowned into fear. I heard him.

"Kayla!!! You ok in there" it's Niall oh shit I need to run.

I ran as fast as I could I had no idea where I was I was pretty much nowhere but I just followed my instincts and ran straight forward.

As I ran I heard a furious scream and a bang. Niall must have broken the door down and see I escaped.

I ran for my dear life and approached a road, and as if by magic I saw a car come. Yes I'm saved!!!

I ward my hands infront of the vehicle and tapped the tinted vehicle to ask for help.

"Help! Please I was kidnapped please tell me where I am, which way is it to Wolverhampton?"

I panted as the windows of the car came down, I felt so relieved. Until I saw who it was. Harry. Smirking at me.





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