< Chapter 1 >

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"Miss Hofferson." a knock was heard on the door of Astrid's bedroom.

"Hm.." Astrid replied sleepily. Her hair was a mess on her pillow. One strand of hair was in her mouth, drool dripping from the side of her mouth on her silk covered pillow.

"Miss Hofferson!" a servant on the other side of the door was getting impatient because she has been knocking on the door for almost 5 to 7 minutes, trying to wake Astrid up.

"Yeah..?" Astrid replied again sleepily.

"Your father is calling you downstairs for breakfast, ma'am." the servant said. And that caused Astrid to sit right up in her bed.

"I'm coming! Tell him I'm just getting ready, will be downstairs in 8 minutes." Astrid said as she gets up from bed, hurriedly. She run towards the bathroom which was connected to her bedroom and took a quick shower. She walked out and placed her clothes on her bed. A simple pair of jeans with grey T-shirt. She walked towards her dressing table and blow-dry her hair, as she's not a big fan of makeup and dresses. After that she wear her outfit and tucked the t-shirt inside her jeans. She put on white converse and got out after putting on her lip balm.

She run downstairs and towards the dining room where she saw her father, Marcus sitting and looking at his watch.

"Good morni-" Astrid began but was cut off by the father.

"You're twelve minutes and forty seven seconds late, honey." Marcus said, looking up from his watch.

Astrid sighed, "Sorry, dad. It won't happen again."

"Good. Now come and sit with me." Marcus smiled.

Astrid pulled out a chair beside her father and sit down. "What're we having for breakfast?" she asked.

"Pancakes!" a voice said behind her. Astrid turned around and saw Andrea walking towards her with a plate filled with pancakes.

"Thank you, Andrea." Astrid smiled at her gratefully after Andrea places a plate in front of her.

Andrea was a maid and motherly figure to Astrid as her real mother passed away giving birth to her. So, ever since Astrid opened her eyes she saw Andrea because Andrea took care of her and raised her after the death of her real mother.

"Have you eaten breakfast, Andrea?" Marcus asked.

"No sir. I was doing some things so I did not had time." Andrea replied politely.

"Eat something first and then you can do rest of your work." Marcus said. Andrea nodded and walked out of the dining room to make some breakfast for herself.

"So, how're you feeling today?" Marcus asked and took a bite of his toast.

"Uh, fine." Astrid replied, confused.

"Any plans for today?"

"Um, yeah, I have to meet Heather for some work. Now I just hope that Charlie will show up."

"Hm, we'll see. So, you're meeting just Heather? No boy?" he wiggle his eyebrows at her.

Astrid groaned before glaring at him, "Dad! No. I'm meeting just Heather today. No boy."

"Are you sure?" he smiles at her.

"Yes." she glared at him slightly

He sighed, "Okay.. But you need to think about getting yourself a boyfriend. You're not getting any younger and neither am I. I need to see you getting married and having children in my life before I die."

Astrid groaned, "Can we please not have this conversation over breakfast?"

"Honey, you know-

"Sir." a guard called out as he came inside the dining room.

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