< Chapter 7 >

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Next day

Astrid sighed and flopped on the bed. Her phone rang beside her, she picked it up to see Heather calling her. She answered the call, "Hey Heather!"

"Hey! How are you? And how was your date?"

"Oh, it was horrible! Like, can you belive what he said to me? He was calling me names!"

"Like?" Heather asked.

"He called me babe. And when I told him not to call me that he called me sexy mama! Oh how much I wanted to strangle him right then and there!" Astrid said. Her blood boiling just by thinking about him.

"Are you serious? Please tell me you punched him!"

She sighed, "I wish. But I couldn't do that because of my father."

"Oh. What else happened?"

"He thought that I am interested in sleeping with him! And that was the last straw for me. I left him at the restaurant." she smirked.

"Oh, the nerve of that person! What a jerk he is! I swear, if I'll see him anywhere I'll punch him on his f***ing face! How dare he? You walked home just because-"

"I didn't walked home. Hiccup was outside. Dad wanted us to take Hiccup with us."

"Really? So, Hiccup didn't punched him either?" Heather asked.

"He wanted to but he couldn't." Astrid replied.

"Oh, but I will. I don't care if he's some businessman or whatever. He deserves to get a punch on his face!"

Astrid chuckled, "calm down."

"Yeah, sure. Sorry, I just got so angry at him." Heather laughed a little. "So Hiccup, huh?"

"What about him?" Astrid asked, although she knew where this is going.

"So, he took you straight home last night?"

"No.. We went to McDonald's because I did not ate anything at the restaurant. I rushed out of there before we could order anything." Astrid sighed.

"So, he took you to the McDonald's? Aw, how sweet of him! You go to date with Hiccup instead." Heather teased.

"It was not a date!" Astrid blushed

"But you wanted it to be. Deep down, you want to date Hiccup but you're too stubborn to admit it." Heather chuckled.

"I don't know what you're taking about, Heather." Astrid rolled her eyes.

"You know perfectly well what I am taking about, Hofferson."

"Ugh, whatever. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

Heather chuckled, "Sure, bye."

Astrid sighed and threw her phone beside her. She looked at the ceilings and groaned loudly.

"Is it true? That I like Hiccup but I am too stubborn to admit it." she thought. "I mean, yeah I did consider that it was a date but.. I want to date him. Or maybe it's just an attraction.. Argh, this is all so confusing!"

"You like her Hofferson but you're too stubborn to admit it." her inner voice said.

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do. Otherwise you wouldn't think about him all the time. The way he looks, his adorable smile, his eyes-"

"Shut up!"

"Or how his lips would feel, his soft hands-"

"Shut up!" Astrid said out lout and threw a pillow on the wall in anger.

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