< Chapter 5 >

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Next week

"Okay, I'll see you soon." Astrid chuckled, looking at Hiccup.

"I'll be right here." Hiccup smiled his cute lopsided smiled at her.

Astrid shook her head at Hiccup, smiling and went inside to her house.

Over the past few weeks Hiccup and Astrid got a lot more closer. They spend almost all of their time with each other. Astrid is now becoming better at driving and Hiccup is now getting better at painting. Everyday after breakfast, Hiccup takes Astrid to the field where she drives the car for some time. And then after that they paint something together. They come home in the evening after eating something.

"Astrid? Come here." Marcus called her.

"Yes dad?" she asked as she approaches him.

"David texted me a few minutes ago and he is coming tomorrow for your date with him." he said seriously.

"But dad-"

"No buts Astrid. You have a date with him tomorrow and that's final. He'll be here at 5 ò clock tomorrow and I expect you to be ready by then." he said sternly.

Astrid sighed but nodded her head.

"Good. If you need dresses then you can take Heather with you and go to shopping."

"No, I don't need any." she replied quitely.

He nodded and turned his attention back to the newspaper.

"Excuse me." Astrid said and went upstairs to her room.

Marcus looked at her going upstairs and sighed.

"I hate to do this but I have to." he said to himself.


"Heather I don't want to meet him!" Astrid said.

"But you don't aby other choice. It's your dad's order." Heather said on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah.. But is it really necessary for me to go on a date with him. I mean I don't like him. I've never met him. Why do I have to go on a date with him?!" she groaned.

"Cause maybe your father doesn't want you to end up being single all your life?"

"I won't be single all of my damn life! I know who I want to date." she said before her eyes widened.

"Oh, really? And who is it?" Astrid could feel Heather smirking on the other side of the phone.

"Uh no one. I meant to say that I'll find someone else and also being single is not so bad if you think about it." she rolled her eyes.

"It's Hiccup, isn't it?" Heather asked.


"You want to date Hiccup, right? You like him."

Astrid sat up immediately and looked at the phone in shock. "What? I don't know what you're saying, Heather. I'll talk to you later." Astrid said and hunged up the phone, not giving a chance to speak.

She sighed and fell back on her bed. "Is it true? Do I really want to date him?" she thought to herself.

"I mean, I had a crush on him in Highschool. But do I still have a crush on him? Do I still like him? He is kinda nice. He takes care of me. He gets worried about me. He is funny, handsome and cute. But do I like him? I do feel a little weird around him. And I feel sparks if we accidentally touched hands. I get lost in his forest green eyes. And I have dreamed about kissing him. Maybe I do like him. But maybe I don't. And even if I do like him then does he like me too?"

Hiccstrid; The Driver's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now