< Chapter 2 >

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"You guys know each other?" Marcus asked, pointing at them.

"Yea.. We used to go to the same school together.." Astrid replied awkwardly.

"Oh. Well, that makes me feel better. Hayden, I'm sure Edward must have told you everything, right?" Marcus raised his eyebrows at him.

"Uh..yes, sir." Hiccup replied.

Marcus smiled at him. "Good. Now, as you know that you're not only Astrid's personal driver but her guard as well. That means you have to protect her. I'm sure you'll do amazing job and knowing that you guys used to go to the same school together makes me feel better."

"Yes, sir! I'll try my best." he replied politely.

"Okay! So, my daughter have to go to her friend's house." he hand him the car keys, "Here's the key, son."

Hiccup took the key out of his hand and nodded.

Marcus smiled at him and looked back at Astrid, who was looking at them. He nodded at her and gestured her to get inside the car. She nodded her head and walked towards the car. Hiccup was looking at her the whole time and was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realized he might have to open the car door for her.

"Ahem!" Edward's voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked at Edward confusedly and raised his eyebrows.

Edward sighed and gestured to the car door with his eyes. Hiccup realized and widened his eyes. He hurried toward the car door and opened it for Astrid who thanked him awkwardly.


It's been 5 mins and it's has been the most awkward 5 minutes of their lives. There was awkward silence between them. Astrid was looking out of the window, she would occasionally look at the front and the back of Hiccup's head. As for Hiccup, well, thousand thoughts were running through his mind. He was curious who was this friend of hers and he was hoping it's not a boy.

"So.." Astrid began awkwardly, interrupting Hiccup's thoughts.

He looked at her through the rear view mirror, "Yes ma'am?"

"How have you been?" she asked.

"I've been fine, ma'am. Thank you for asking." he replied politely.

"Oh, don't call me ma'am! It makes me feel old." she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Then what am I supposed to call you?" he asked confusedly.

She looked at him and raised hers eyebrows at him. "Astrid? What else?"

"That wouldn't be appropriate. You're my boss. And I can't call my boss by her name." he replied and coughed awkwardly.

Astrid groaned. She desperately wanted to hear her name roll out of his tongue. "No! Look, if I'm your boss then I'm ordering you to call me by my name! And besides we're of same age!"

Hiccup looked at her, eyes widened. He nodded his head, "Yes, okay ma'am." she glared at him. "I mean A-Astrid." he stuttered.

Her heart almost melted at the way he said her name. She smiled at him and said, "good."

Just then the car stopped and they were standing at front of Heather's house.

"We're here." he said.

He got out of the car and opened the car door for her. She thanked him and got out of the car.

"It'll take me one hour I guess. You can go if you want to or you can just wait here. It's up to you." she said as she adjusts her bag on her shoulder.

Hiccstrid; The Driver's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now