< Chapter 3 >

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Hiccup was laying in his bed, deep in thoughts. The bed was comfortable and the room was well set. Beside the bed was side table, it has a lamp on it. In front of bed and side table was dressing table. The desk was placed on the other side. Beside the desk, a small sofa was placed. The bathroom was connected with the bedroom. The walls of the room was light blue and the floor was wooden. In other words, the room was nicely decorated. It has everything a person would need. It's been few days since Hiccup started working as a driver for Astrid. And it's also been few days since Hiccup saw Astrid. After that 'incident' Astrid didn't call him to driver her anywhere. Either she didn't have to go anywhere or she's mad at him.

Hiccup sighed, "Maybe she's mad at me."
His phone ranged beside him, he sighed and check his phone to see who's calling him. It was his mother. He picked up the phone, "Hi mom."

"Hello son. Is everything okay? You don't sound too happy. Are you busy?" Valka said on the other side of the phone.

Hiccup sighed, "No, mom. I'm not busy, I was just thinking about some..things."

"What things may I ask?"

"Huh? No, it's nothing. How're you? How's dad?" he asked.

"We're good. How're you son? How's your new job?"

"It's goin-." he was about reply but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. "Hey, uh mom I'll call you back okay?"

"Okay son. Just remember that I'm here if you need to talk to someone." Valka said.

"I know mom. I love you. Bye."

"I love you too, son. Bye" He hung up the phone.

"Yes? Who is it?" he asked, putting his phone on bed beside him.

The door opened and Edward came in. "Hiccup, Miss Hofferson is calling you."

Hiccup looked at him before nodding, "Okay. I'm coming."

"Hurry up!" Edward said as he walked out and closes the door behind him.

Hiccup looked at the door for few seconds before standing up and started pacing. "Oh Thor! How am I going to face her? What will I say? Maybe she's calling me because she wants to fire me.. This is all my fault!" he exclaimed, placing his hand on his forehead.

"I should just apologize to her.. Yeah, that'll be good.." he said to himself.

He looked at the mirror and fixed his hair. His outfit was fine. Simple red T-shirt and black trousers.

"Hm. I should go now."

He put on his shoes and walked out of his room, closing the door behind him.


"Good afternoon." Astrid said as she saw Hiccup walking towards her.

"Good afternoon." Hiccup muttered.

"Let's go? I have to go to the mall." she asked Hiccup as she put her hand on car door.

"Yeah, sure." he said and rubbed the back of his neck, "but I.. I want to apologize to you.."

Astrid looked at him, confused. "For what?"

"Uh, for, I.. what I said that day. You were just being nice to me and I.. I was just being stupid. Forgive me?" he looked down ashamed.

Astrid give him a small smile, "It's fine, Hiccup. Now, let's go?"

Hiccup returned her smile, "Sure."

He opened the door for her to which she thanked him and got inside the car. He closed the door behind her, got in the driver's seat and started the car.

Hiccstrid; The Driver's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now