< Chapter 4 >

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Few weeks later

"Okay but you have to teach me how to drive a car." Astrid said smiling at him.

"Why? Don't you like me driving you around?" Hiccup raises his eyebrow at her, looking at her for a second before fixing his eyes back on the road.

"No, no I love it! It's just I should also know how to drive just in case you're not around, you know."

He nodded, "Fair point. Okay, I'll teach you but..."

She raised her eyebrow at him, looking at him questionably, "But?"

He stopped at the red light and turned his face to the side to face her. "I'll teach you how to drive and you'll teach me how to paint like a master." (A/N I know, I know Hiccup is very good at drawing but for the sake of this story let's just pretend he isn't. Thank you :-))

She blushed and looked away to hide her blushing face from him but he saw it and smiled to himself. "I'm not that good at painting."

"Are you kidding me? Astrid, you're best at it. You've showed me some of your paintings and I was mesmerized by how amazing they are!" he exclaimed.

"Heh thanks Hiccup." she smiled at him.

He returned her smile, "So, we have a deal?"

She rolled her eyes at him playfully, "Okay, you dork."

He chuckled. "Okay, here we are madam!" he said, stopping in front of her house.

"Thanks Hiccup." she said getting out of the car but stopped. "Hey, I was thinking maybe we should meet up with others? It's been a while since I've met them."

"Hm that's not a bad idea. Let's call them and ask them." he said.

"Great! Let's go to the carnival and then some restaurant to eat?"

"Okay. I'll call Snotlout and Fishlegs. You call Heather and the twins."

"Okay. I'll see you in few hours then?"

He nodded, "sure."

She smiled at him again and get out of the car and walked inside.

"Astrid?" her father called her just as she step inside the house. She walked to the living room and saw him using his mobile.

"Yes dad?" she asked.

"Where were you?" he looked up from his phone.

"Uh, I was with Hic- I, uh, mean I was at the beach." she half lied.

"Hm okay. David will be here next week for your date with him, okay?"

She groaned, "but dad! I don't want to go out with him! I've never met him, I don't know him and I am definitely not going to like him!"

He sighed, "Just go on a date with him please. Just one date. If you don't like it then I'll leave you alone with your love life okay?"

"Fine." she rolled her eyes and began to walk upstairs.

"Astrid? Are you hungry, dear?" Andrea yelled out at her from the kitchen.

"No, Andrea." she yelled back before going to her room.

"With Hiccup, huh.. " Marcus smirked, picking up his phone again.


"Hey Astrid!" Heather said from the other side of the phone.

"Hey Heather." Astrid replied.

"What's wrong? Why do you sound..sad?"

Hiccstrid; The Driver's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now