< Chapter 8 >

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"Heather, I like him!"

"What? Who?" Heather asked.

Astrid took a breathe in, "I like him. I like Hiccup."

"What? Since when? Oh my Thor! This is amazing!" Heather squealed.

"No, no what if he doesn't like me Heather? What if I am just a friend to him?"

"Astrid, are you kidding me? Haven't you seen the way he looks at you? He makes literal heart eyes when he looks at you! He smiles big when he's around you. He do likes you."


"Yes really. Now tell me what made you realize that you like him?"

"Well.." Astrid blushed. "It was a cup of tea."

"A cup of tea?" Heather asked confusely.

"Yeah. And a waitress." Astrid chuckled.

"Uh, are you alright? Did you hit your head or anything?" Heather asked.

Astrid rolled her eyes, smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine. Never been more better actually."

"Then what do you mean a cup of tea made you realize that you like Hiccup?!" Heather half yelled.

"Calm down! I know what I am saying. We went out today-"

"So, you went on a date? Awww how cute!" Heather squealed.

"No, it was not a date." Astrid said and rolled her eyes again. "We went out just like friends do. Anyways we went to a restaurant and there was this waitress named Amna. She was so annoying. She kept staring at Hiccup and smiling at him him for no reason. And the worst thing is that Hiccup didn't even find her annoying...." Astrid continued to tell Heather the whole.

Heather was happy for her best friend. She knew it from the start that Hiccup and Astrid would end up together. They like each other. Now that they both admitted it that they do, it's Heather's turn now to take a step that will hopefully make them a couple.


Hiccup knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a voice said from the other side.

Hiccup opened the door and walked inside, closing the door behind him. He looked up and see Marcus sitting on a chair with laptop infront of him, working on something.

"Sir." Hiccup greeted.

Marcus looked up from his laptop to see Hiccup standing there. He smiled and nodded his head. "What can I help you with Hayden? And how's your hands?" he asked, gesturing to Hiccup's burned hands with his eyes. "Astrid told me what happened, son." he said when he saw the confused look on Hiccup's face.

Hiccup blushed, "Oh, um.. I am fine now. The doctor said it'll take a week to heal I guess. And I wanted to your permission to visit my parents."

"Hm, but how would you drive with your hands in this condition?" Marcus asked.

"I will be fine, I think."

"What's your father's name, son?"

"Stoick Haddock."

Marcus gasped lightly, "Stoick Haddock..? He lives here?"

"Um, yes sir. Do you you know him?" Hiccup raised his brows.

"Ahh, I think I do." Marcus smiled, scratching his mustache (is that what we say?). "We all were best friends in Highschool. Stoick, Valka, me and my wife. I am hoping it's the same Stoick Haddock."

Hiccstrid; The Driver's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now