< Chapter 6 >

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Hiccup cleared his throat and looked down. "Are you ready to go, Ma'am?"

Astrid looked at him sadly and nodded. He opened the door for her and for David
After they they both got inside he closed the door behind them. He was about to get in the car as well but Marcus called him.

"Yes sir?"

Marcus placed his hands on Hiccup's shoulder, "Keep an eye on him for me please. I trust him but not very much. That's why I am sending you with them."

"Of course, Sir! I'll protect her." he smiled.

"Thank you." Marcus smiled gratefully at him.

Hiccup walked towards the car, got inside and started the car.


"I was thinking of expanding my office. I mean, yeah it's already huge but I need more space. What do you think?" David asked Astrid. Five minutes in to the ride and all he's done is brag about his business. Hiccup is trying so hard not to punch him.

"Hm? Oh yeah if you want to.." Astrid replied looking at her nails.

"Thinking about it, I might need a secatary. I'm bored from the one I have now. I hired her only because she was sexy and beautiful and I liked it when she-"

"Excuse me?" Astrid looked at him in disbelief. "Look, if you don't have anything nice to talk about then might as well keep your mouth shut!"

"You don't have to be harsh, babe." he pouted. Astrid glared at him and almost throw up at how disgusting he looked. Hiccup look way better pouting. Wait, where did Hiccup come from? Ugh, she need to stop comparing this man with Hiccup.

"Don't ever call me babe." she glared at him.

He smirked, "Then what should I call you? Sexy mama? Or maybe d-?

Astrid looked at him in disbelief, her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to say something but Hiccup stopped the car with a jolt.

"We're here." he muttered. Astrid looked at his eyes through rear view mirror and saw he was glaring daggers at David. His hands were gripping the staring wheel so tight that his fingers were turning white. She turned to David and glared at him one last time before getting out of the car and walked inside the restruant, not waiting for him.

"We'll be back in half an hour? I don't know. You just wait here, okay driver?" David said and got out of the car and walked inside the restaurant behind Astrid.

Hiccup glared at his back as he walked inside the restruant. He just wants to beat the living lights out of him. How dare he call Astrid that? Oh, only if Hiccup had permission from Marcus to punch him, he would.

"But the main question is, why is Astrid going out with him? Does she like him?" he thought. "But she didn't liked it when he called her babe so why is she? Maybe her father forced her. If he did, then he'll force her to marry him and then he'll make her his bride and they'll go out of this country and live somewhere and they'll have tons of babies together and she'll forget about me!"

He groaned, "I need to call Heather. She'll definitely know about all of this." be pulled out his phone and called Heather.

"Hey Hiccup!" Heather greeted.

"Heather! What is happening? Astrid is here with some man, I think his name is David."

"David?" Heather whispered.

"Yes, David! Who is he?" he asked anxiously.

"Hiccup, David is a business man. Astrid's father forcing her to date him."

Hiccstrid; The Driver's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now