Love Games

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*Earlier in school*

Brook POV

I was walking down the hallway and I saw roc. He was with a whole bunch of his girls. I rolled my eyes as I was walking towards them.

"Hey Brook come here," Roc shouted.

I turned around quickly and started walking the other direction. I looked behind me and saw Roc jogging after me. I started to jog through the crowded hallways and went to the outside lunch area. I sat down behind a tree thinking I was safe.

"Hiding from someone,"????

I saw roc leaning on the tree looking down at me.

"Yes you," I said rudely.

"Aww but I thought we had fun together," he said while getting infront of me and putting out a hand to gesture to help me up.

I took his offer and grabbed his hand. He picked me up quickly that I fell right into his arms.

"So we had a good time together didnt we," he said while pulling me closer so that my boobs were pushed against his chest. "Nice ballons can I have them," he said while looking down at them and almost drueling. 

I pushed away "No you can not and no i did not have fun unlike you," I said while rolling my neck and giving atitude.

"But no one can resist me," he said while walking closer to me.

"Well then I guess im no one," I said.

I started walking away like a boss.

"Damn that ass though," Roc said.

"To bad it's not yours," I said while not turning around but saying it loud enough so he can hear me.


So looks like someone's not winning the bet,"????

"Prod shut up I will it just takes time," I said while turning around.

"Well forget about that for now because we have a game in a couple hours," Ray said while walking up to us.

Prince came up to us also "yea so lets stop (gco)

*ding ding*

"Ay that's the bell we should get to class,"Ray said.

"You guys go ahead im probably ganna be late anyways so ima take my time," Prince said.

"Ay I got to go to my locker so ya can leave me too," Prod said.

"Aight bye come on roc," Ray said.

Prod POV

I was walking down the hallways and there everyone was in there class. I walked around the corner and saw Trinity and David. I hid behind a trash can so they couldnt see me but I could see them.

Trinity and David Convo

"So you comming to my game," David asked while feeling on her ass as she bent over.

Trinoty jumped by the touch"Oh no I can't I have swim," Trinity said.

Trinity was about to walk off but then David grabbed her and slammed her against a locker.

"What do you mean you cant," David said in her face mad.

"David I-im sorry it's just I have a really big swim meet that I can't miss," Trinity said nervously.

"Well then it looks like you're just going to have to make me feel better now," David said looking her up and down.

He grabbed both of her hands with one hand and with the other he started to feel on her ass. Then he started to kiss on her neck.

"David please stop," Trinity said in discomfort.

"Shut up," david snapped at her.

David then lifted her up and started to kiss on her chest because she was wearing a v-neck.

"David stop now please," She yelled but not so loud where classes could here.

David stopped kissing her and mean mugged her "Who do you think you talking to like that"

David then dropped her hard on the floor so she would be sitting. "you ganna learn," david said while putting up a fist.

Prod POV 

I started to walk up fast knowing that David wouldn't hit her in front of anyone. I went to my locker which was right where they was just on the other side. David looked at me from the corner of his eye and then put his fist down. He lifted Trinity up and then said " I'll see you later baby," and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Trinity was in shock and speechless, so David walked off fist clentched. As soon as I knew it was safe I turned around to see Trinity zoned out. Or at least she looked like that. She was looking dead at me but it looked like she was looking through me.

"Why," she said.

"Why what," I asked confused.

"Oh dont play dumb I know why you came over here, and look I could of hadled it so you could have left me alone," she said.

I took a pause getting madder and madder " Why do you let him do this to you, do you like being abused," I said in a deep voice.

"Because...... I have no choice," she said looking down.

"Everyone has a choice," I said getting closer to her.

"Well not me and why do you even care its none of your buisness, atleast he didnt cheat on me," she snapped.

(took me a minute to process) Cheat.... "who me how was I ganna cheat on you we wasnt even official, and this is what happens when somone cheats on you because then you need help," I said starting to get louder.

"Well good then because I wouldn't want you anyways," she said while trying to sound tuff but you could here the tears she was holding back. Then she walked away quickly leaving me standing there.

Love is My Drug {A Mindless Behavior Love story}Where stories live. Discover now