A Neighbor

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Mitchi POV

"So mam how do you like this apartment?" the relastate agent asked.

"Ill take it its perfect!' I squeeled.

"Okay ma'am just sign this paper and you can start moving yur stuff in whenever you want," the man told me.

I giggled a liitle " umm i think I will right now" I said as a moving truck pulled up.

The people in the moving truck came out and started to take out everything and put it in my house.

"Okay I want that there and that over there and the t.v there (blah blah blah)"

*A couple hours went by*

"Finally done I said looking at the outside of my house" it was only like 7:00 and the sun finnally went down.

I was about to go in when all of a sudden I herd a Purple charger pull up and part at the other driveway side of the apartment. 

"that must be the other nieghbor I thought"

I was thinking that it would be a old man or hopefully a women but I was wrong. A teen with two long braides came out the car. I cant lie he was pretty fine in his caciies and sweat shirt and jordan hightops. I did even notice I was starring at him until he looked at me and waved his hand in my face to bring me back to reallity.

"Hello," he said.

I snapped back in reallity and said "Oh hey"

"Nice to meet you, im Ray Ray but everybody calls me Ray," He said with a smile.

There was a little awkward silence between us until I sai "Well I got to get inside I have school in the morning and want to get a good sleep," As I walked up to my door. And I guess he followed because when I turned around he was right there. It bothered me a little.

" Oh where do you go," He said getting closer looking me up and down. "Maybe we go to the same school" 

" I dont think thats any of your buissness" I said with an additude.

"Well sorry," He said with his hands up like the police told him to.

I opened my door and started to walk in until i felt someone grab me.

"But" he said while tuning me around and pulling me close to him with his hands right before my butt "When You ganna let me hit it" He said with a smirk.

"Oh I see" I said leaning in acting like I was about to kiss him until I saw him close his eyes. Then I pushed him away and closed my door in his face.

"Goodnight," I yelled at the door while walking away so he would hear it.

Ray Pov

"When you ganna let me hit it" I said with a smirk.

"Oh I see" She said while leaning in like she was about to kiss me.

I closed my eyes and started to pucker up my lips when... PUSH. I let go of her and tried to ketch my balance and then felt the wind of the door on my face. Did this girl just slammed the door on my face.

"Goodnight," I herd her say on the other side.

I smiled a little and then went back to my place. I went through the door and then went to the couch and sat down thinking about her. Then all of a sudden I realized something 'I aint even get her name" I said outloud. 

"Well now I have a goal for tomarrow" I said while getting up and getting ready for bed.

*Next Morning*

Mitchi POV

I woke up and started getting ready for my morning jog I would always take in Houston. Plus it would help me see the nieghbor hood better. I got dressed in sum booty shorts n a half shirt with socks and nike shoes. I walked out the door and guess who I saw walking out in excersize clothes.

"Are you following me?" I asked looking at Ray.

"Ha funny I was about to say the same thing," he smiled.

I roled my eyes and started jogging away from him with my headphones in. I felt someone behind me though and turned my head far enough so I could look behind me and saw him. He gave me a smile and I started joggin faster and so did he. Then I started running and so did he. I got annoyed and stopped. He almost ran over me before he stopped. I turned around and yelled at him. 

"What do you want!" I yealled at him.

He looked at me puzzled and then answered "Nothing I was just making sure you was okay because if you havent noticed this is a bad nieghbor hood and plus i always run this way." he said inocently.

"Well thank you but I can take care of myself, anyways im going back anyways I gatta get ready for school," I said and started jogging back. 

"Aight well ima jog a little more then go back" he said running in the opposite direction. 

As I was jogging back I felt eyes on me in every direction, Ray was right this is a bad nieghbor hood i said looking at the houses. I made it home safe and got ready for school

*An hour went by*

I walked out and saw Rays Car gone I walked to the bus stop and saw the bus. I got in and waited till I saw the school. It was huge people were everywhere. I got nervous . Where was i ganna fit in, will i even fit in, what if they dont like me? all these questions was in my head. I got off the bus and guess who was pulling up. Ray got out of the car and looked at me with a smile . I roled my eyes and then went into the building to the main office. 

"Hello, um Im Mitchelle im new here," I said nervously.

"Well hello we have been waiting for you," The office lady said. "Here is your schedual and you have the same schedual as a student hear so she will help you through the day," she said. 

"She pushed a button and aasked for some girl to come in. A girl with brown hair and gold highlights walked in. She was wearing thick designed leggings with a black loose shirt on and some boots. She was the same height as me. 

"Hey," she said excitedly, Im Brooklyn but everybody calls me Brook".

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