Where there's a wall, there's a will part 1

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27 years ago

In a hospital was a little boy sitting alone in a chair, in bandages. He and his parents were in a accident and his parents didn't make it. The only living relative was his brother but he was at war, so he was going to be placed into foster care until they can get ahold of his brother.

Foster house

The boy was sitting on his bed, not unpacking because he knew that his brother would come back to him, then he was called down for dinner. After dinner, he was walking to his room when he was stopped by his foster sister.

Foster sister: Why haven't you unpacked yet?

Boy: Because my brother is coming for me and I'll go home.

The foster sister glared at the boy and grabbed his arm, hurting it.

Boy: Ow! Your hurting me.

Foster sister: Your gonna unpack and stop talking about your dumb brother. He's not coming back!

The boy looked at his foster sister and glared at her.

Boy: He will come back for me. I just have to be patient.

Foster sister: Your pathetic. Your brother isn't coming back for a wimp like you.

The foster sister let go of his arm and walked to her room. The boy walked to his room clutching his arm, he gets into bed and looks outside his window.

Boy: I know you'll come back big brother, I just have to be patient.

The boy went to sleep with the hope that his older brother comes home.

The next day was his first day of school that his foster sister went to. Right after it was lunch was he picked on by bullies saying things to him about his brother.

Bully 1: I bet he left you because your a wimp.

Bully 2: I hope to see his face for when he comes back so he sees what a wimp you are.

Bully 3: Your such a wimp.

The 3 bullies left him while he looked at the ground.

Boy: I know you'll come back big brother. I just have to be patient.

The boy went to lunch and ate until it was his next class. It went on like this for two months and he still didn't give up hope for his brother.

One day the boy was reading a book, his foster parents called him from downstairs, saying that someone was here for him and when he went down. He saw a man that he recognized though the scar was new. They stared at each other for awhile before the man stretched out his hand.

Man: Ready to come home little brother?

The boy had tears stream down his face as he ran towards the man and hugged him tight.

Boy: I knew you'd come back big brother! I just knew it Sam!

The man, now called Sam, hugged back.

Sam: Sorry it took so long little brother.

Boy: It doesn't matter! As long as your here, that's what matters to me.

Sam chuckled and they were like that for awhile until they separated for the boy went up stairs to get his stuff.

They got into the car and Sam drove off. After awhile, The boy saw a familiar house and they stopped. When they got out, the boy stood in front of the house and looked at it with his brother behind him putting a hand on his back.

Sam: Welcome home, Shawn Ortez.

Present day

Shawn Ortez was now all grown up and was guarding the Blues flag with Tucker next to him.

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