Out of body

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Cut to Tucker, flanked by Simmons and Grif while Thea and Caboose worked on Epsilon.

Thea: And done! That should do it.

Thea stands up and walks next to the others.

Tucker: So, uh, how do you feel?

Cut to Carolina's Mongoose which springs to life at the questions. Epsilon's voice speaks through the Mongoose.

Epsilon: I feel like running over each, and every one of you.

Tucker: So pretty much the same as before.

Epsilon: Yeah. Pretty much.

Grif: Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call "Shotgun" on this one.

Grif runs off

Simmons: Screw that! I'll let Thea have this one.

Simmons also runs off.

Thea: Pass. I'm not getting on something with another person in it. No offense.

Thea runs off as Epsilon's AI form appears on the windshield of the Mongoose.

Epsilon: None taken. Man, this sucks!

Tucker: What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body.

Epsilon: My own body? Tucker, I'm a freaking tonka truck!

Tucker: Okay, yeah, but you could literally pick up chicks with this thing!

Epsilon: Oh, yeah, because every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime - HONK!

Epsilon flashes as the Mongoose's horn goes off. Epsilon turns around as Caboose stands up from behind the Mongoose.

Epsilon: Caboose! Don't do that.

Caboose: Sorry.

Sarge runs in front of Tucker

Sarge: Alright, places people! Here they come!

Sarge runs away as Epsilon vanishes

Caboose: Don't forget to shout "Surprise!"

Tucker: Caboose, shut up!

Carolina, Shawn and Washington run over the hill to where the Blues are.

Carolina: Tucker, bring Epsilon over here. I've got some questions for him.

Tucker: Goddamnit.

Cut to the Elephant, where Carolina speaks to Wash who is inside using a computer where Shawn is looking away.

Carolina: Any luck?

Washington: I think so.

The screen displays the Project Freelancer emblem which spins and reveals several pictures, among them, Epsilon's former Monitor body.

Washington: Alright, data pad accepted. Looks like we're in business.

Tucker runs up behind Carolina

Tucker: So, uh, what do you need Church for?

Carolina: I just told you.

Tucker: Oh... yeah, but I mean you could talk to me instead! 'Sup girl?

Carolina: Why on Earth would I ever want to do that?

Tucker: Well, you know, we're a perfect match. We're both super good-looking badass rebel loners, and we've got the same color armor! Greenish-blue.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 10Where stories live. Discover now