Three's a crowd

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The Mother Of Invention's Freelancer training room is shown. F.I.L.S.S. is heard in the backround.


F.I.L.S.S: A new challenger has arrived. Today's match-up is agent Texas versus agent Carolina.

Carolina, accompanied by York, enters the training room. Tex is seen in the center of the room as a rack with weapons is deployed. Carolina and York stop as another weapons rack appears in front of them.

York: Okay, just pick a piece of equipment you know how to use already.

Carolina begins to arm herself with various items, not listening to York.

York: Or, just grab everything and anything, that works too, I guess.

Cut to North Dakota, South Dakota, Maine, Washington, Rhode Island, Wyoming and Sigma overlooking the training room from an obeservatory. Cut back to Texas, who is arming herself as well, on the training room floor. Omega appears next to her.

Tex: Hey, I've got this one Omega.

Omega: (growls) Next time...

Cut back to Carolina and York.

F.I.L.S.S.: Agent York, please clear the floor.

York: In a second F.I.L.S.S! Now at first the voice of the A.I -sorry, A.I.s', it will feel like a tickle, okay? Just focus on that and it will get clear. Trust them. I know that'll be hard, but I promise they'll help.

F.I.L.S.S.: Agent York, clear the floor, please.

York: In a second F.I.L.S.S!

FI.L.S.S.: Clear the floor or enter the match, York. Your choice.

Tex's weapon rack retracts as she cracks her neck and fists.

York: For the record, I would stay to support you, but she's really damn scary.

Carolina glares at York.

York: Okay, maybe you're both pretty scary. Gotta go.

York leaves the training room floor as Carolina watches him. After a brief moment, her new A.I's, Eta and Iota, appear next to her. They are identical, albeit one is gold and the other is teal. After sharing a glance, the two A.I.'s merge and disappear.

North Dakota: Anyone wanna bet one of them gets killed?

Washington: Are you kidding?! I'm hoping one of us doesn't get killed just by watching!

Rhode: I'm getting the chills just looking at them.

Cut back to the training room. Carolina's weapon rack retracts as she and Tex slowly walk towards the center of the room.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round begins in three, two, one, begin. Good luck, ladies!

Carolina and Tex: Thanks. I won't need it.

Tex and Carolina yell as they charge at each other. The Director and Counselor walk into the training room observatory.

Director: What the hell is going on here?! No matches have been authorized for- No! Allison!

The Director, noticing Tex in the training room, rushes to the window. All of the A.I units begin to reapeat 'Allison' upon hearing it said by the Director. In the training room, Carolina slides onto the ground, and cluthces her head in agony, as do Eta and Iota. Back in the observatory, all of the Freelancers, except for Washington and Rhode Island, also double over in pain. Wyoming rips off his helmet and throws it to the ground and Maine bangs his head and give a roar. Cut to an undisclosed area, where the Sarcophagus begins to make loud growling noises. The two soldiers guarding it back away cautiously. Cut back to the training room once more, where Carolina continues to scream in pain. Carolina tears off her helmet and attempts to stand up, but is unable to do so. Tex approaches her and offers her hand, but Carolina slaps it away.

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