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Camera pans over Last Resort/Zanzibar. The Reds and Blues are seen driving in Warthogs, while Carolina rides alongside on a Mongoose. The Reds stop and get out, causing everyone else to do the same.


Carolina: What's going on? Why are we stopping?

Thea: We've been driving for hours Rach-

Carolina: Finish that sentence and you'll have another bruise.

Thea: Fine, we've been driving for hours Carolina.

Carolina: Better And we've got a lot more ground to cover, so let's keep moving.

Grif: Listen lady, I know this is your first road trip with us, but we've got a system. And that system includes snack breaks, bathroom breaks, and stopping to take pictures of funny road signs.

Carolina: That's ridiculous.

Grif: Not as ridiculous as Bonner Street.

Simmons: So close dude, so close.

Thea: You guys have been looking for years! How do you know it even exist?

Grif: It's out there Thea, we just have to have faith that we'll find it.

Thea threw her hands up and walked away.

Thea: I'm done.

Camera focuses on Blues, Washington looks at them.

Wash: I should probably go stop her from killing your friend.

Shawn: I'll come too.

Wash and Shawn proceeds in Carolina's direction, Caboose looks at Tucker realizing something.

Caboose: Um, Tucker I just noticed something. Something really bad.

Tucker looks at Caboose.

Tucker: Yeah, me too dude. I think our guy-to-girl ratio peaked like five years ago.

Caboose: Uh, no, no, Tucker um. Yeah, we forgot to bring Church.

Tucker: Wait, did you just now realize that Church isn't here?

Caboose: He's not going to be pleased about this one.

Tucker: Calm down moron, we didn't leave him behind.

Caboose: Ah, yes, but you see I'm not seeing him so...where is he?

Epsilon appears in a smaller form beside Tucker's helmet.

Epsilon: Ugh, you don't wanna know.

Caboose: Church! You're...you're so small. I would like to feed you a small cracker.

Tucker looks at Epsilon unamused.

Tucker (sarcastically): How you liking the new place tinker bell?

Epsilon: You mean your disgusting storage unit?

Tucker: What! How is my storage unit "disgusting"?

Epsilon: Well, for starters, I had to delete fifty gigs worth of crap just so I could fit in this thing.

Tucker: Woah, hang on a second dude. You didn't delete my, uh, "Home Movies" folder did you?

Epsilon: And that brings me to my second point.

Camera zooms out on the Blues and focuses on Wash, Shawn and Carolina standing on an overlooking balcony

Carolina: What a bunch of worthless idiots.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 10Where stories live. Discover now