Fall from heaven

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Four Seven Niner is seen ordering a trooper pushing a crate around.

Four Seven Niner: No, no! This one goes here, that one goes there.

The trooper grunts in annoyance. Carolina, York, North Dakota, Rhode Island and South Dakota walk into the hangar, conversating.


Carolina: We ready?

Four Seven Niner: Just about. Running final checks now.

Carolina: Alright, you heard her! Everyone onboard!

They look at her and start walking.

Washington: Great.

North Dakota: Alright.

Rhode: Kay.

York: C'mon D. Let's go. It's about time. Let's get this mission goin'.

Four Seven Niner sees Delta and stops the freelancers.

Four Seven Niner: Woah, woah, woah. Hang on a minute, what is that thing?

York: This is Delta. Our new addition.

Four Seven Niner: Your new addition is pretty small.

Washington: I said the same thing.

Rhode: Dude.

York: Delta is a computer program. He helps us figure stuff out. He's an A.I.

Four Seven Niner: Oh A.I. huh? What's the A stand for?

York: Artificial.

Four Seven Niner: I know what the hell it stands for. What's it doing here?! Isn't it like one of those robots who takes people's jobs and puts them out of work?

York: I don't think so.

The trooper stops to watch the Freelancers and Four Seven Niner.

Four Seven Niner: What are you looking at?! I said put it over there, pay attention!

The trooper resumes moving the crate around.

Carolina: Hey guys, get a move on.

Four Seven Niner: Hang on a minute. You. Green guy. Do you know how to fly a plane?

Delta: No, I do not.

Four Seven Niner: Huh, right. We're cool then. Everybody on board!

The trooper continues to grunt in annoyance as he's moving around the crate.

Four Seven Niner: Not over there, over there! Just quit screwin' around and put that thing back where you found it.

Exhausted, the trooper slams his head onto the crate. Everyone gets on board.

Four Seven Niner: This is Four Seven Niner. We are wheels up and engines hot. Leave a light on for us, command.

Command: Roger that, Four Seven Niner. Good luck.

Four Seven Niner: Thanks, command. Four Seven Niner out. Man, I would hate to have that guy's job. (The irony)

Four Seven Niner starts the Pelican.


The Reds, Blues, and Carolina arrive at the desert. Carolina gets off her mongoose.

Carolina: This where you found the body?

Washington: Yep, she's right up there.

Carolina: We'll see. Take me there. Sync.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 10Where stories live. Discover now