Whats the 'I' stand for

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Washington and Shawn walk up to Carolina, who is standing by a generator.

Washington: Looking for something?

Carolina: Leads, information, anything. You said Maine had been through here, right?

Washington: Well, yeah, but that was ages ago.

Shawn: That was scary as hell.

Carolina: Then look closely. Don't tell me hanging around those morons has turned you soft. (As she says this, Tucker, Thea and Epsilon sneak in on a balcony above)

Tucker: Hey, she said morons, that's us.

Thea: Shh, your gonna get us caught.

Epsilon: Tucker, shut up, let me listen.

Washington: The Meta was attempting to transfer energy from these turbines into his suit. It was the only way he could keep his equipment running.

Carolina: Huh, poor Maine.

Washington: Carolina, it wasn't your fault.

Carolina turns around to look at them.

Carolina: But it was my A.I.

Shawn: He was crafty and you didn't know.

Washington: Yeah, None of us could have known what would happen.

Carolina: Yeah? Well sometimes I'm not so sure.

Washington: What?

Carolina: We were told that the A.I. were specifically designed for each of us, right? North was chosen for Theta, York had Delta, but Sigma was mine.

Washington: What are you saying?

Carolina: You really think the Director didn't know what would happen?

Washington: Carolina, that's ridiculous.

Carolina: He always had his little experiments. He just forgot to take a few extra variables into account.

Washington: And what about now? The whole world thinks you're dead. Do you think he knows you're coming for him?

Carolina: Yes, I do. And for once, I look forward to proving him right.

Shawn: Good for you.

Washington: (Sighs) The Director was always hard on you.

With Tucker, Thea and Epsilon.

Tucker: Dude, he said hard on. Bow chicka-

Epsilon: (Whispering) Shut up. They're gonna hear you.

Thea: (Whispering) Be quiet.

Back with the freelancers.

Carolina: He was hard on all of us.

Shawn: Yeah.

Back with the two blues and red.

Tucker: Oh come on, you've got to let me have that one.

Epsilon: Quiet, you're going to give away our position.

Tucker: I've got about five positions in mind for her. Bow chicka-

Epsilon: Tucker, I'm serious.

Thea: She'd break you bones and not in a good way.

With the freelancers.

Washington: Yeah, you're right. But you have to admit, he was also pretty hard on himself. But don't forget he was also hard on Thea.

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