Party crasher

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Opens up on the main bridge of the Mother of Invention, where Carolina, the Director, and the Counselor are seen standing on a platform.


F.I.L.S.S.: (voice over) Intruder alert, intruder alert. Breach in Security. Level Zero.

Carolina: It's the Resistance.

Director: No, it's Agent Texas. And her damn partners in crime.

Counselor: We should get back to the lab. Director, we must follow protocol.

The Counselor leaves.

Director: Carolina, look at me. You know what needs to be done.

Carolina: I do.

Director: Then do it.

The camera zooms in on Carolina as the Director leaves. Cut to a hangar, where Tex and Rhode dispatches multiple Freelancer soldiers with Spike Grenades on them and soon encounters South holding a Missile Pod.

South: Think you're so freaking tough, don't you, Texas? Well, let me ask you something: who's the monster now, bitch? After I'm done with you, I'm gonna kill Supernova for ruining my brothers life.

Tex: Aw, shit...

Rhode: Oh muffins.

South fires her weapon as Tex and Rhode dive to the side. Cut to the Freelancer locker room, where Wyoming and two soldiers search for infiltrators.

Battle Rifle Grunt: Dude, we get to fight with Wyoming! Awesome!

Wyoming: Just clear the room lads.

The soldiers aim their guns up and looks at the room.

Battle Rifle Grunt: All clear!

Assault Rifle Grunt: All clear, sir!

They get up and walk into the room with Wyoming following them annoyed.

Wyoming: (sighs) Dear god, it's like idiots in stereo.

They start walking around.

Assault Rifle Grunt: (giggles) Nice zinger, sir!

Battle Rifle Grunt: Kiss-ass.

Assault Rifle Grunt: Shut up.

Wyoming points in one direction to one solider and walks around.

Wyoming: Look over there. Now where are you hiding? Knock, knock mate.

Above the battle rifle grunt a ceiling tile opens up.

Battle Rifle Grunt: Wait, who's there?

York bursts out from the tiled ceiling above, kills the two soldiers, and battles Wyoming.

Battle Rifle Grunt: Whoa! It's York! (screams in pain)

York: Knock knock!

Wyoming: Ah yes, that's what I'm saying, who's there?

York: It's York! (smashes open a locker, hitting Wyoming in the process and sees a photo of a woman) Hello.

Wyoming: Who's there?

York punched Wyoming away.

York: I told you! It's York!

Wyoming gets up and raises his fist at York.

Wyoming: It's York...who?

York throws a locker at Wyoming, defeating him.

York: It's "York" catch, asshole! (grabs a photo of woman floating in the air) Talk about knock knocks. (stuffs photo in his pocket and leaves)

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