The new kid

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Fade in to space where the Mother of Invention is seen flying through space. Cut to Washington, Rhode Island and York staring downwards between North Dakota's legs.


Washington: I expected it to be... bigger.

York: Why? You've seen mine. It's small too.

Rhode: (snorts)

Wash: Yeah, but he's green.

York: How does that even make sense?

North Dakota: Hey Wash, quit staring. You're making it nervous.

Wash: Yeah, it's just... they're so small!

York: Small, yeah! But you wouldn't believe what it can do!

Rhode: (chuckles)

North: Besides, you better get used to it. You're going to have one of your own, soon enough.

South comes to see what they're all looking at

South: (scoffs) Give me a break.

South walks away. North looks down.

North: It's alright Theta, come on out. People just want to say hello to you.

The camera pans down to reveal Theta, a blue and red multi-colored A.I., hiding behind North's left leg, he peeks out and looks at North.

Theta: (in a child-like voice) I don't know. There's so many of them. And they're so... big.

Wash: See! I'm not the only one who thinks size is important.

York: I'm just going to let that one go...

Rhode: Same.

North: It's okay Theta. They're all friends of mine. For reasons beyond my comprehension.

Theta appears above North's shoulder

Theta: They're looking at me.

North: That's because they want to meet you.This is York, Rhode and Wash.

Wash: Hey there

York: Give it a rest, Wash. Theta, I have a friend just like you. His name is Delta.

Theta appears in front of York.

Theta: Really?

York: Yeah!! Here, you-you wanna say hello to him?

North: Um....York?

York: It's okay, man. Just for a second.

Delta appears in front of York

Delta: Hello Theta. I am Delta. It is nice to meet you.

Theta: (nervously) Hello.

North: See? Everybody here is nice. Isn't that right, Delta?

Delta: Agent North, I do not feel qualified to make a judgement about humans with whom I have only limited experience. Also, "nice" is a rather subjective term for-

York: Delta!

Delta: Oh yes!! Everyone here is "nice".....within standard acceptable deviations.

York: DELTA!!!

North gestures to his sister.

North: And that's my sister over there, South. We're twins.

Camera shows South leaning against a wall, watching them.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 10Where stories live. Discover now