Where there's a wall, there's a will part 3

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15 years ago

Shawn was putting on his new armor, it was green with black accents. He was going to be a put to a test, he was going to fight a couple of agents in the division. He was in the training room waiting for them to come, they came and Shawn saw their armor. One had brown armor and the other had orchid and green armor. First was the staff fight, and they started to fight he won the first round. The second round was hand to hand combat was when he heard their voices.

???: What do you think of the new guy south?

???: He's good but we can do better C.T.

Shawn: Wait, you two are girls.

South: Yeah, what about it?

Shawn: I don't like fighting girls.

C.T.: Why? Because we can't fight back?

Shawn: No because they'll punch me harder then I did.

C.T. Chuckled while South was annoyed. The round started and Shawn tried not to punch them too hard because he didn't want to hurt them to hurt him harder.

He won the match and the next one was the lock down paint scenario. He got caught a few times but won the match, the Director was impressed and he now a member of the team. He walked up to South and C.T.

Shawn: Sorry about the second round.

South: Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you go easy on me wimp.

South walked away as Shawn glared at her, he hated being called a wimp. C.T. Put a hand on his Shoulder.

C.T.: Don't let what she said get to you, I'm Connecticut but everyone just calls me C.T.

Shawn: Nice to meet you C.T. I'm Shaw-, No. I'm Rhode Island. Sorry I'm getting used to saying that.

C.T.: It's fine, it takes some time getting used too. Let me introduce the team.

C.T. Lead him to the others and he met the team. He learned that Agent south was a twin who was called North Dakota and they got along great. He met York and they got along great, they both loved jokes and were both laid back. He didn't like Wyoming because he thought his knock knock jokes were annoying and he no longer liked knock knock jokes. He was scared of Maine but they got along great, they became friends. He and Washington got along great and became friends mainly because they were scared of girls, now when he met agent Carolina she was rude to him and he didn't like her as well, mainly because he didn't like Bitches.

He loved it there, he never wanted it to end.

Time skip to before the heist.

Rhode was walking around and bumped into Texas.

Rhode: Oh, hi. Sorry about that.

Texas: Who're you?

Rhode: I'm Rhode Island and your Agent Texas that defeated Maine and Wyoming. That's pretty cool.

Texas: Really?

Rhode: Yeah, you're wicked talented.

Texas: Your interesting Kid.

Rhode: Nah.

Rhode and Texas talked a some more and that was the birth of a beautiful friendship.

Present day

Carolina, Washington, Shawn, Sarge and Caboose were sneaking to the base while they others waited for their signal. They hide behind a rock and look at the base.

Carolina: There it is. Okay team, I'll get the guard on the left while you get the guard on right.

Shawn: Okay, what's the-.

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