Heavy metal

539 13 0

U.N.S.C. Scrap Metal Recycling Station. Many Years Ago...

The Insurrectionist that York incapacitated drifts by the camera, still sitting in his chair. Camera zooms in on an enemy base and then zooms out. It follows three fighter jets leaving the base. Cut to the Director and Counselor inside the Mother of Invention.

Counselor: Sir, enemy fighters approaching.

Director: Fire at will, Counselor. Let's send them back to the scrapyard.

The fighter jets proceed to attack the mother of invention while it fires back and takes out a two of the three jets, but the remaining one keeps shooting. Cut back to the Director and Counselor reacting towards the blasts

Counselor: It appears we are now taking fire.

Director: Release the dropships, get the team in position.

Cut to the Mother of Invention firing and four Pelican drop ships exiting it. Cut to the inside of the of the last Pelican dropship with Four Seven Niner in the pilot seat, Carolina in the co-pilot seat and Rhode next to here.

Four Seven Niner: Well, that went to hell quicker than we thought. Out of the frying pan into the shit.

Carolina: We're going to need a new insertion point. York was supposed to open the leader's hangar for us.

York (over radio): It wasn't my fault!

Rhode Island: Sure it wasn't.

Four Seven Niner: We'll have to settle for the main hangar.

Carolina: Which one is that?

Four Seven Niner: The one with the shooting things coming out at us.

Cut to enemy base firing at the dropship, it manages to hit it.

Carolina: Never a dull moment, huh?

Four Seven Niner: I'd get your team ready; we're gonna come in hot.

Carolina and Rhode head to the back of the dropship where Wash, C.T, South, and North are putting on jetpacks.

Carolina: (Shouting) You heard her, we're going for the main hangar! Be ready for anything.

North Dakota: So much for a smooth ride.

South Dakota: Heh, what's the matter, feeling sick?

North: Hey, I'm not the one who needed a barf bag on all our family trips.

Rhode: Ha!

Washington walks to Carolina concerned.

Washington (to Carolina): How are you feeling? Are you up to this?

Carolina: Say what you want to say, Wash.

Washington: It's just, giving up your AI was a big deal. I thought-

Carolina: I'll be fine. Worry about yourself.

South looks at C.T. Who was quiet.

South (to C.T): You're awfully quiet.

C.T: Oh, just... trying to prepare myself.

South: Hey, worst comes to worst, we'll just get kicked off the leaderboard. At least us ladies will be sticking together, right?

Rhode: Don't say it like that.

Cut to Four Seven Niner at the front of the ship getting hit by enemy fire.

Four Seven Niner: Damn it! Opening rear bay.

Cut to the Freelancers looking out of the back of the ship.

C.T: Right, all together!

Carolina: Use your packs sparingly. Course correction only. You don't want to end up like Georgia.

Washington/Rhode: Wait, what happened to Georgia?

South: Nobody knows! They never found him!

Washington: Are you sure these things are safe?

Rhode: I'm wondering the same thing.

South: Yeah!

Carolina: Now!

Camera zoom on North's sniper rifle and him ejecting a spent round. Cut to Four Seven Niner at the front of the dropship making a turn. Which then shows the freelancers jumping out heading inside of the hangar. Cut to two Insurrectionists in the hangar, with one holding a box of shotguns

Insurrectionist #1: Battle stations! We're under attack!

Insurrectionist #2: No shit, we're under attack. What do you think we're doing, rolling out the red carpet?

Insurrectionist #1: No, assface! Look!

Freelancers are seen coming in except C.T.

Insurrectionist #2: Aw, hell!

He drops a shotgun, which discharges onto the other Insurrectionist, knocking him over.

Insurrectionist #2: Not again... Sorry about that.

He then gets shot and falls over. Camera then shows freelancers being shot at. Carolina runs ahead and starts to fight the Insurrectionists with a gravity hammer, Washington and Rhode heads to the control panel.

Washington: Okay, where's that security override? Come on... damn it!

Washington punches the control panel and disables the artificial gravity.

Rhode: Great.

Washington: Uh oh, that's not good. Hey guys? ...Things might get a little... floaty.

Insurrectionists start to float away from the ground and fire randomly into the air, some hitting other, yelling in confusion.

Insurrectionist: Ahhh! What the hell?

Washington: Everyone! Enable grav-boots!

South and North shoot at some soldiers off screen. Carolina then comes in and with the gravity hammer knocks a warthog into a group of insurrectionists. She then pulls out her two plasma guns and jumps from warthog to warthog obliterating soldiers. She kicks a Warthog as Washington returns the gravity to normal

Washington: Okay... okay... I got it! I got it! Oh man...

Rhode: Good for you.

The Warthog Carolina kicked flies at Wash and Rhode and they duck. Rhode looks at him.

Rhode: Why do cars hate you?

Washington: I don't know!

Insurrectionist and Warthogs fall to the ground and Carolina drops down on one knee unharmed. The team regroups.

Carolina: They know we're inside. Wash, Rhode, North, secure that hallway. South, see if you can access the leader's location, we don't leave without him.

South: Got it, I'm already on it!

Carolina: C.T, get me- Where the hell is C.T?!

Cut to C.T landing on the outside of the ship. She hops down a hole in the ship then proceed down a hallway and opens a door where many Insurrectionists are waiting

Insurrectionists: Intruder, get him! Open fire!

The Insurrectionists fire at C.T.

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