Fighting fire

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Agent Maine is shown exiting his drop-pod. Sigma then appears on Maine's right.

Sigma: Agent Maine, isn't that the soldier from the freeway? The one that shot you in the throat?

Maine growls and faces the Female Insurrection Soldier and the Sleeveless Insurrection Soldier.

Sigma: I thought so. Sic 'em.

Maine lunges forward. Girlie readies her pistols while the Demo Man drives his wathog straight into Maine. The warthog smashes Maine into his pod sending it back on its side. Maine, now holding the front of the warthog slowly lifts it up and kicks it towards Girlie and Sleeveless Insurrection soldiers, tearing off the tow hooks. They dive out of the way, with the Demo Man landing next to his teammates. Cut to Agent Washington and Agent Rhode Island, arming their Battle Rifle. York soon walks up behind Wash and Rhode. Sigma then appears next to the Freelancers.

Sigma: Hello gentlemen.


York: Hey Sig. You sure he's good to fight so soon? He was hurt pretty bad.

Sigma: As compared to whom, Agent York? You three don't look so good yourselves.

Delta appears in front of Sigma

Sigma: Hello brother.

Delta: Sigma, protocol dictates that A.I. units are not to communicate directly-

Sigma appears next to Delta

Sigma: Protocol is just another way of saying rules Delta. Remember what the Director says. There are no rules on the battlefield.

Sigma appears behind Delta and pats his shoulder.

Sigma: Besides; we A.I.s should really stick together. Excuse me. I'll be right back.

Sigma vanishes as York looks at Washington and Rhode Island.

York: I'll be honest; that one kinda gives me the creeps.

Rhode Island: Mhm.

Washington: Yeah, I hear ya. Come on, let's move.

Delta vanishes as the three freelancers move out. Cut to Girlie getting up.

Carolina: Well, hello.

Girlie turns to see Carolina holding her at gunpoint with one of her plasma rifles.

Carolina: What a pleasure to see you again.

The Demo Man runs up behind Carolina and punches her down with his robotic arm. Carolina gets up, noticing that one of her plasma rifles was badly damaged. Discarding the broken weapon, she raises her other rifle only for it to be hit with a machete. The thrower is revealed to be the Female soldier.

Girlie: Pleasure's all mine, bitch.

She twirls two more machetes and charges at Carolina. Carolina dodges and throws the plasma rifle at her. Girlie cuts it in half and charges again. She is knocked back, and the Demo Man steps in to try and punch Carolina. Carolina backs away as the Demo Man and Girlie pursue her. Cut to the Sleeveless Insurrection Soldier, not far away, getting up. He massages his head. Looking at his right, he sees Maine, who cracks his knuckles and neck. The soldier swings his fist at Maine, only for Maine to stop it. Maine slowly starts twisting his arm, forcing him onto his knees. Maine then readies his other fist and punches him back hard enough to knock his helmet off, and knocking him out. Maine turns around to see Carolina still fighting Girlie and Demo Man on a higher platform and rushes to assist. Cut to Carolina, who dodges the machete swings and wild punches thrown by the Demo Man.

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