20. 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑌𝑜𝑢

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May 3, 2023


"You, Queen. I'm fucking talking about you." I thought it was clear, but maybe she wanted me to say it out loud. Regardless, it was the complete truth. It may have been unfair to Queen, but I wanted to be selfish with this. The secrecy may have hurt her, but I needed her to remain separated from everything going on in my mind.

They're my past, and she's my future. There was no need for further discussion.

"I didn't know you saw it like that," she said in a small voice, looking down at the floor between us.

I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair. "You didn't ask." She nodded slowly, her eyes still anywhere but in me, and took a deep breath. On her exhale, I could feel her previous attitude begin to slowly dissipate. Either that or she was tired of me, I didn't know.

"I'm sorry for pushing." She sighed. "It's just that...I seriously feel like I don't know you, Syn. I just thought that if I knew...maybe I could understand you a little bit."

"Queen, when I tell you that you know me better than anyone else in this fucking universe...I'm not saying it to calm you down or make you stop asking questions. I say it because it's the truth. It's been a long time, but you still are the one."

She nodded slowly, and I could feel her slightly giving in. "If knowing me truly is what you wish, then my past isn't where you'll find answers." That was a half-truth, but I couldn't exactly elaborate without disproving everything else I said. Indeed, she would most likely be left with more questions after she knew everything, but my past with Julius and my time in the palace as a child made me more of who I am than my father's stupid spell.

"Then where will I find answers?"

"In the man standing right in front of you." She finally looked up at me and I took a step towards her. "I'm here, Queen. If you want answers about who I truly am, then ask this version of me."

She searched my eyes for a long moment and I waited patiently, expecting a thought-provoking question that would give me a migraine.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Your favorite color," she explained slowly. "You know, the color that is your favorite."

"Okay, I got it, smartass." She giggled at my response and I smiled at the sound. "Red."

"Hmm, that's something that hasn't changed."

"I'm still the same man, Queen." I sighed. "For the most part."

"What does that mean?"

"Ask me another question."

"Favorite movie genre."

"Don't tell anyone," I said seriously as I took another step closer to her. She laughed before looking up at the serious expression on my face and frowning. "Promise."

"I won't tell anyone."

"Romance," I whispered. "Call it a guilty pleasure, but I like seeing the couples end up together..."


"...Or at least die together, you know?"

"And we're done here." I smiled as she walked past me into the kitchen and I followed behind her.

"Like Romeo and Juliet. That was adorable."

"Syn!" She yelled as she burst into laughter. "What the hell! That was far from adorable. Did you at least cry?"

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