105. 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐵𝑒𝑒𝑛?

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My eyes stayed glued to his retreating figure as he walked back into the house and closed the door. With his departure, I blew out a breath and dropped the act. I couldn't have him knowing how fucking close I was to losing my shit. Especially after hearing about his plans.

"Tell me he can't do that," I hissed lowly at my father. He didn't meet my eye. Instead, he ran a hand down his face and looked up at the sky, making my uneasiness grow. "Speak!"

He sighed. "Well, generally...no," he said.

"Generally?" I pushed. "What does that mean?"

"They can't reproduce," he answered. "But...Queen is Lilith's daughter. I'm not fully certain of the science, but hypothetically—"

I grabbed the collar of his shirt, my fingers tightening around the material as I glared at him. "Is this a fucking joke to you?!" I snapped.

"Of course not," he objected, his fingers moving over mine as he tried to pull away. "Queen is family to me—"

I felt Xavier's hand on my shoulder, trying to defuse the situation but I couldn't be reasoned with right now. "She is not your family! She is mine."

"And you're my family—"

"This is all happening because you had a fucking existential hard-on over a bitch that wanted nothing to do with you," I responded. "It's me that continuously pays for your mistakes. If something happens to Queen— if a single damn hair on her head is harmed, you won't have to worry about whether or not we're family—"

Xavier interjected. "Syn, that's enough—"

"I will kill you," I finished, ignoring Xavier's plea. "For your sake, a solution to this shit better be found quickly."

"Syn," he began.

"Just go." I let go of him, not sending another glance his way as I ran a hand through my hair. I pinched the bridge of my nose- countless images of ways this could play out running through my mind. "I need you all to go and help Drake find a way to kill him before this barrier drops. Because as soon as it does, I'm taking the opportunity to go in and get her. I'd rather be prepared when it happens, but I will go in regardless. I don't care."

"You're staying here?" Xavier asked in disbelief. "You have to know that's a death wish, Syn. You're only going to piss him off more and get yourself killed—"

I tried not to make anyone but my father and Aiden be the victims of my anger tonight, but I couldn't hold back anymore. I had given out an order- a direct and clear one.

Right now wasn't the time for any pushback.

"If I wanted your advice, I would have asked for it, Xavier. Now isn't the fucking time," I said, my tone angrier than I intended and he looked at me in surprise. I'd apologize when everything was over, but right now I needed absolute silence. I needed to think on my own- I didn't need the fucking guidance. "Believe it or not, there is a reason why I am still alive and King— I'm capable of figuring shit like this out on my own. I don't need you to be my friend right now. I need you to do your fucking job and listen to orders. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." His lips shut into a thin line.

"Fucking great," I replied before looking at the three of them. "Now chop-chop! Go." I clapped and my father and Xavier spurred into action, my father snapping his fingers and creating a portal. "Get me something I can use." They nodded, each of them stepping into the portal and I blew out a breath of frustration.

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