Helping Out

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Sam gave me a tour of the boat and than had to go talk to Sarah about something, so I just sat down on a a bench, more people were showing up, walking by me, giving me small smiles or a little hello. It honestly made me so happy that they were all so nice.

"Hey sweetheart." I heard Sam say as he wrapped his arms around my waist, I leaned back into his touch.

"Hey Sammie." I smiled. He pressed a gentle a kiss to my neck and than rested his head on my shoulder.

After a while of just staring at ocean. He kissed me on the neck again and than stood up. I grabbed his hands and he yanked me to my feet. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked over to a truck, with some folks standing around it.

"Carols this is amazing. Thanks so much man." Sam said to one of the men.

"Word goes out the Wilson family needs help. We're here. We still got a bit usefulness in us." Carols smiled.

"How do you get off the truck?" Sam asked.

There was a loud noise and I looked past Carols and saw Bucky picking up the heavy ass objet from the truck and placing it on the ground.

"You're welcome." He said all smug.

I left Sam's side and walked over to him, not even caring if he wanted one or not. I gave him a hug. "Hey Buck. Long time no see."

He chuckled a little and patted my back. "Hey Ember." I moved away from him and Sam came to our side.

"Just dropping this off for you Sam." He said whilst placing a case on the back of the truck. "You can sign for it and I'll go."

Sam ran his hand over the top of the case. "I called in a favour from the Wakandans." Me and Sam both turned to face him.

Suddenly a pipe burst behind us. "Sam!" Sarah yelled as she ran towards it. Sam ran over to it and started using a wrench to tighten it.

Bucky than ran forward. Saying hello to Sarah before helping Sam. I just stood by Sarah's side, watching this all play out.

"Um thank you for letting me stay here." I muttered to Sarah.

"No problem Ember, I honestly have been so excited to meet you. So the more I get to know about you, the better." She smiled.

"I was excited to meet you to." I shared.

"Well we can have a chat tonight, do you like wine?"


"Great, I got bottle of red." She smiled.

"Cant wait." We both started laughing a little.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked walking over to us, he snagged his arm around my waist immediately.

"Girl stuff." Sarah smirked. Sam just scoffed and we began walking away.

"I'm Bucky." I heard him say. I turned around and saw him flirting with Sarah.

"Ah...Sarah." She smiled.

"Sarah..." Bucky repeated.

"I'm gonna kill him." Sam whispered to me.

"Don't you dare." I laughed and whacked his chest. Bucky came to our side and I just smirked at him.

"Do you like her?"

"Oh shut up." He nudged my arm and I started laughing. The three of us began working on whatever needed fixing.

"Ember can you come with me!" I heard Sarah yell.

"One sec." I ran up from the bottom of the boat and exited. I saw her standing with a bucket of paint and two brushes.

"Mind helping?" She asked raising the paint can a little.

"I would love to."

We sat down on the dock and each grabbed a brush, we each began panting over the old chipped green paint with a brighter green.

Sam than called for me and she had to go help out somewhere else so two teens took over and I ran into Sam's arms.

"I love you." He smiled, placing a kiss to my forehead. I just stared at him for a moment, admiring how handsome he was and he was mine.

"I love you to Sam."

After everything was finished, the three of us sat on a dock, with the case Bucky brought in the middle of us. Each of us sipping beers in silence.

"Well..." Bucky said standing up, clinking our bottles together. "Gotta catch my flight tomorrow." He than took a sip. "Get a hotel room for the night. Crash, you know?"

"You're just gonna set me up like that, Huh?" Sam asked smug.

"I don't wanna make it weird for your family."

"Just stay here. The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world. They don't care if your wear small T-shirts. Or if you have six toes or if your moms your aunt." Me and Bucky both chuckled.

"Okay, I get it. I mean, you know, the people are nice."

Sam than laughed a little, throwing his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him.

"Also don't flirt with my sister." Sam said a bit more serious.

"Okay." Bucky whispered.

"Because if you do. I'm gonna have Carols cut you up and feed you to fish."


I than snuggled up a bit more into Sam.

"Hey if I'm staying the night...I better not hear anything." Bucky said waving his finger around at the two of us. "I'm still traumatized from the safe house."

I burst out laughing and Sam did the same. "Oh that wasn't traumatizing." I said sarcastically.

"No it was." He chuckled. "I don't need to hear moans and groans again." He sighed, than walked away from us. Me and Sam both looked at each other and pursed our lips together.

"Just saying he might not like the sound of your moans...but there music to my ears." He whispered, lightly kissing my neck again. Causing a tiny moan to escape my lips. "Music." He mumbled and began kissing more of my neck.

"Sam. Sam." I than gently pushed him off. "Not here."

"Tonight than?"

"Tonight." I smiled and gave him kiss on the lips. His hand ran behind my neck, pulling me closer to him.

"Did I ever tell you I love you." He breathed out.

"No, I don't think you have." I teased.

"Well." He than grabbed my thigh and pulled me over him, so I was straddling him. "I." He than placed a kiss on my neck. "Love." One just above my breasts. "You." He than went back to my neck and left a love bite.

"Did you just give me a hickey?" I asked looking at him fear.

"Just making sure, people know your mine." He smirked. I just stared at him and planted my lips back on his, kissing him feverishly. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I don't think I can wait till this evening." I stated.

"Than let's head back inside." He gave me one last kiss and than grabbed my hand. We raced inside, trying not to look suspicious. We than got to his bedroom and shut the door. My back against it as I just stared at him.

This was gonna be fun

To be continued...
Next chapter is the smut

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