•Please read•

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This chapter serves as a warning bit. Please read it all, particularly the content & trigger warnings. I got PTSD & I don't want to accidentally trigger someone because I know what it feels like to be reading a fanfic and then *bam* there's a trigger.

📚 Story updates:
Although the story is complete, at some point I'm going to re-write the whole thing to make it better. I'll keep this version up while I don't do anything about a new version & then write said version (I honestly have no idea when I'll get to re-writing this), so yes you can read this without worrying about me deleting it halfway. I'll post an update on this story & on my conversations when I begin re-writing & another when I'm done.
So basically If you are reading this and there is nothing in my conversations about a new version, don't wait, read this one.

⚠️ Content & trigger warnings:
Self-harm, suicide, depression, mention of past (childhood) trauma, and swearing. This is Star Wars so there are also mentions of death, blood, violence, and that sort of stuff. None of these topics is glorified.

Mature Tag:
Why did I put the mature tag? Well because the Wattpad guidelines thing says that you have to (to not risk having it removed) if you have certain topics in your story. The topic that applies to my story is self-harm, not smut.

🤨 Smut/lemon-free story:
No smut/lemon. So fluff (hugging, hand-holding, kissing, etc.), but no sexual stuff. I wrote one bit where It cuts before they actually do it but it's implied & then never bought up again so If you don't like sex you can just ignore that.

Y/n's gender & pronouns:
The reader's male gender isn't that important to the story, but you will be referred to by he/him pronouns, and masculine terms. I mainly made this as a male reader insert for gender euphoria because most of the Kylo x reader stories have the reader as a female and use she/her pronouns.

👍 Legal stuff. Please, don't sue me:
I do not own Star Wars, which includes any characters, planets, and other related things from the Star Wars franchise. Those all belong to Lucasfilm & therefore Disney I guess. Any used artwork, screenshots from movies, etc, do not belong to me. Chapters that include fanart have the artist's username at the top of the chapter. I also do read a crap ton of fanfiction so If It seems like I'm copying plot stuff, that's why. It's just gone to the back of my head, and I'm like oh, that will be a good idea!

🤸 Me being dumb:
Soooo I just realised (1st of Feb) that the structuring of paragraphs and dialogue is a bit weird. I'll clean that up as well as other things soon.

-Lake :)

One Day • Kylo Ren x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now