I rush over to Bonnie. We're still at the game and I need to figure out what Bonnie felt when she touched Stefan.
I tap her shoulder and she turns around startled. "Hey Ellie-"
"When you touched Stefan what did you see?" I ask her, cutting her off.
"It's wasn't clear like a picture. I keep seeing those same numbers: eight fourteen and twenty-two. But what I felt when I touched him...was a feeling that vibrated through me. It was cold and..." She trails off.
"And?" I ask impatiently.
She pauses for a moment. "It was like death. It's what I imagine death to be like." She says shivering.
"Thank you, Bonnie." I tell her.
"Why do you ask?" She asks me.
I pause for a moment. Weighing my options. I can't bring anybody into this just yet.
"I just needed to know." I say before walking off.
As I'm walking I feel my phone ringing in my jacket pocket. The caller I.D flashes and it says Elena.
"Hey." I say answering the phone.
"Hey. I want to buy some candy but I left my wallet in the car...can you by chance..." She trails off.
"Only if you buy me a Hershey's bar." I tell her.
"I can if you grab my wallet."
"Deal." I say hanging up the phone.
I make my way through the crowds and walk to Elena's car. I finally make it to her car and unlock it. I frown after not seeing it on the dashboard. I open the glove compartment and see it in there. I grab it and close and lock the door.
I turn around and yelp at the man suddenly standing in front of me. I look and see Damon chuckling in amusement. He scared me half to death.
"Did I scare you?" He asks sarcastically.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him. I'm clearly mad at him, I'm just trying to get him to notice.
"Hiding from Caroline. She talks more than I can listen." Damon says shrugging.
"Then maybe you shouldn't be with her. Despite her flaws, she's still my best friend. I don't like you shit talking about her, to me." I say glaring at him.
"Noted." He tells me. I start walking away from him but his voice stops me. "I'm sorry if I make you and your sister uncomfortable. It's not my intention." His apology is not genuine.
"Yeah it is." I scoff. I turn back around and face him. "You're trying to break Elena and Stefan apart. Not only is it uncomfortable but it's annoying. He's your brother....you should be happy for him." I say in a soft and soothing tone. I can't be annoyed forever. Even though I can't stand Damon, I can't be mad at him.
"You're right." He admits. "I have other intentions. But so do you." He says smirking.
"Really?" I say chuckling. I don't know how Im finding this amusing, but I am.
"Yeah. You want me." He says seductively.
My smile fades. "No I don't." I tell him. Except it's a lie. I mean of course he's hot. And if given the chance, I would go for him. Except there's something off about the Salvatore brothers.
"It's true. You're into me. I seen you blushing yesterday. You're drawn to me and I bet you even have dreams about me." He responds cockily. I can't help but blush yet again. He seen me blushing yesterday?! God that's embarrassing...

The book of Ellie (remake)
FanfictionEleanor Gilbert is Elena Gilbert's younger twin. After living in her sisters shadow for years, she finally breaks out of her shell. She befriends Damon Salvatore and helps him open the tomb, where his lover Katherine Pierce, is stuck at. Except in t...